Lesson #2: The Wiccan Sabbats

This lesson will have 8 parts to it. There are 8 seasonal holidays that we celebrate each year and each part of this lesson will discuss one of those. For each section, you will do a little research on the holiday and then share with the class what you found the holiday means to you as well as some of the interesting practices or associations that you discover. You should do each of these parts for this lesson around the time of that particular Sabbat so that you will have the opportunity to experience the celebration along with your study of it. You may skip these lessons until that time. I will give dates for each Sabbat in the lesson for both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. I hope you enjoy learning more about our celebrations.

Brightest Blessings,

Arianna Moonlightshadow

The Eight Sections of this Lesson

Lesson #2a: The Wiccan Sabbat, Imbolc

Lesson #2b: The Wiccan Sabbat, Ostara

Lesson #2c: The Wiccan Sabbat, Beltane

Lesson #2d: The Wiccan Sabbat, Litha

Lesson #2e: The Wiccan Sabbat, Lammas

Lesson #2f: The Wiccan Sabbat, Mabon

Lesson #2g: The Wiccan Sabbat, Samhain

Lesson #2h: The Wiccan Sabbat, Yule

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