This is the home page for HomiCon
'98. We'd like to share with you our photos and tales of wonder
from our visit to Charm City.
First, some business to get out
of the way:
- To all the merchants of Thames
Street, who let us co-opt their stoops, bar stools and backrooms
without more than a look of bemusement...
- To Gene and Chester at
The Waterfront, who let us use the bar as our own personal clubhouse...
- To Kyle the security guard,
for taking our pictures, even if you wouldn't tell us anything
we didn't already know...
- To Clark Johnson, for taking
time out on your way to the tournament...
- To Toni Lewis, for letting
us keep you from your popcorn...
- To all the crew at the filming
- And finally, to Reed Diamond
and Michelle Forbes, for your openness, friendliness, generosity
and grace, especially when surrounded by a frenzy of HomiConners...
Thank You!
And now, on with
the show
Friday, Saturday,
Sunday, Tuesday,
The Squad Room
Personal Accounts of the Trip
(with even more photos)
Maura's "The
City that Reeds"
Teddy's "Teddy's
Day with Reed Diamond"
Read Teddy's article
Patty's "Recovering
from the HomiCon"
Cheryl's "HomiCon
Judy's "Just
Got Back from HomiCon"
Any questions, comments or
problems? E-mail me:
This is an unofficial
fan site for "Homicide: Life on the Street." H:LotS
is owned by Baltimore Pictures and NBC Television.
Text on this site
©1998 gmaura, tedfilm, psulli615, bubbazmom, uniq97. Photos
©1998 gmaura, uniq97, barking_dog, bubbazmom, tedfilm, crystlyte,
cwagg72971, wearart.
My Guestbook
My Guestbook