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    The Beginning: The Maple Hui Years
    Right after he finished high school in Australia, Chi Lam went to Hong Kong in 1991 to start his music career. His Modern Love Story (duet with Maple Hui) was an instant hit. Audiences loved this couple who did romantic softrock songs. (At this time, it was rumored that Chi Lam was going out with Maple.) Chi Lam's talents and natural good looks soon won him lots of fans. He became one of the most successful newcomers of the year. However, it was natural for Chi Lam and Maple to go separate ways as they each wanted to establish their own individual careers.

    TVB Stage
    In 1992, Chi Lam signed with TVB and was cast opposite Grasshopper in Peak of Passion. From then on, Chi Lam appeared regularly in TVB series, with the most recent one, Cold Blood Warm Heart (released 1996). Acting in TVB series has helped to promote Chi Lam's fame, as many audiences of all ages watch these series. To date, Chi Lam has made six tv series. The TVB years were essentially a learning experience; it was through these series that Chi Lam strengthened his acting skills as his character roles became more mature and challenging.

    From 1994 to 1995, Chi Lam's career experienced a slowdown. Although he did play the leading roles, his tv series were mediocre productions which did not enjoy great ratings. While at Sony Records, Chi Lam did not produce any smashing hits like Modern Love Story. Perhaps it was because he experienced premature success with Maple Hui that this was an especially frustrating time for Chi Lam. He had admitted that because of his early success, people kept on comparing his actions to the past, which added pressure on Chi Lam.

    Going Public
    Ever since Chi Lam and Anita Yuen starred in a MTV and film, A Warrior's Tragedy, together, there had been rumors that they were dating. Although they did feel immediate mutual attraction, it was a while before they publicly announced their relationship. A lot of people felt that this would ruin Chi Lam's career (i.e. this would disappoint his fans because the fantasty element about being Chi Lam's girlfriend would be smashed). However, Chi Lam did not regret taking this risk because he believed he should be honest with his fans by acknowledging whom he loved. He felt it was only fair for Anita as well.

    In Anita's Shadow
    Since the beginning of their relationship, the press gave Anita and Chi Lam a hard time. Anita was twice voted the Best Actress of the year in Hong Kong, while Chi Lam's achievements paled in comparison. For awhile, Chi Lam was referred to as "Anita's boyfriend." The public's opinion put a lot of pressure on this couple; a few times, Anita broke down in front of the press and public tv. In trying to avoid further onslaught, they have agreed not to pose for pictures together anymore.

    1996's Cold Blood Warm Heart
    A successful tv series can do wonders to boost one's fame. This happened to Chi Lam in Cold Blood Warm Heart. In the series, he played a cop who had brains and looks, in short a very masculine role which appealed to the audience. :) The press even acknowledged that Chi Lam had matured as an actor and singer, as his theme song How Can It Be enjoyed wild success as well. He was invited to perform that song (while dancing with the contestants) in the 1996 Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant.

    1997 For Chi Lam
    1997 started off at a quick pace for Chi Lam. His newest CD from EMI, I Love You Too was released at the beginning of the year. New music contract, new image, and promising results! This year, Chi Lam will concentrate on his singing and acting career at the same time. At 5'11" and well-built, Chi Lam seems just right for the action roles he plans to take up in the movies. You will probably get to see him flexing some biceps this summer *drool*.

    Increasing Worldwide Fame
    It would be an understatement to say that Chi Lam is the hottest Chinese international popstar now. His songs from the I Love You Too album has topped the charts. Modeling for U2 with Anita Yuen has been an obvious success, as a sequel to the original commerical will be made this summer. An official fan club in Hong Kong has been set up for Chi Lam. He is in great demand as an actor today, cast opposite actors like Micheal Wong Man Tuck. The director, Wong Jing, had once said that if Chi Lam spent one year making movies, his fame would undoubtly increase manyfold. Well, it seem as if Chi Lam has taken Wong's advice. Look at where he is today: deep in the hearts of many of his worldwide fans.


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