Brain Boosters from Golden Opportunity: The perfect place for kids, parents, teachers, and caregivers to find challenges and fun!

     Are you looking for a little diversion, activities for your 
classroom, material to stimulate young minds?  You've come to the
right place!  Here you'll find games, contests, Wacky Words, and much 
more!  We'll try to include activities for a wide range of age groups 
and interests.

     Watch this site for weekly changes, and stay tuned for fun.  
Meanwhile, choose your favorite area and use your brainpower!  Track 
down the definition of the Wacky Word of the Week or answer a riddle 
to win an e-mail surprise.  Try your hand at a scavenger hunt or let 
your voice be heard on the opinion poll.  Amaze your friends with 
Magic Numbers or poke around in the Preschool Corner on behalf of a 
young friend.  There's loads to do, so what are you waiting for???

Try these out!

Wild, Wacky Word of the Week
Can you track down the definition of this week's crazy word?
Preschool Corner
Golden Opportunities for the youngest kids.
The current opinion poll
Stand up and be counted! See what others are thinking, too.
Magic Numbers
Amuse and amaze your friends with number tricks.
Word Search Puzzle
Check out this puzzle!
Scavenger Hunt
Where will YOU have to search to find the items on the list???
Guest Book
Sign in and be counted!! We'd love to hear from you.
Golden Opportunity's Home Page
Information about Golden Opportunity's Educational Products and Services
Schedule of Updates.
Information about when to look for new puzzles and activities.
Try out the Internet Mystery Game!
Check out this exciting new addition to the Golden Opportunity Activities! This on-line, interactive game is great fun!

Golden Opportunity Educational Services

people have enjoyed these golden opportunities!