free backgrounds
All of these backgrounds were created by me unless I note otherwise. These are the rules I have for people using my backgrounds:

1- You must provide a link back. Go to my banners page to find something to link with.
2- These are for anybody with a clean site to use. Commercial or personal. As long as I get a link back, I don't care who uses them.
3- These backgrounds may only be used in another collection of backgrounds with my permission.

All I am asking is these 3 simple rules. So, please go by them. You can click on the background to see it set as a background with text samples.

  bg001.gif             bg002.gif                 bg003.gif             bg004.gif

bg005.gif     bg006.gif     bg007.gif     bg008.gif

bg009.gif     bg010.gif     bg011.gif     bg012.gif

bg013.gif     bg014.gif     bg015.gif     bg016.gif

bg017.gif     bg018.gif     bg019.gif     bg020.gif

bg021.gif     bg022.gif     bg023.gif     bg024.gif

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These backgrounds were made by "Reptile" by Sausage. Click here to download it.

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