Washington, D.C. and Back

This is a little bit about my trip to DC and what we saw. It just tells about what I saw and what I thought of it, and there are some pictures I took. Pictures always make stuff better. Hope you like it.

Washington, D.C. is a great place. I'm so glad we went there for our 8th grade trip. It was great seeing all the famous stuff. Like the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and the Jefferson Memorial. Click on the names to see a picture I took of them.

D.C. has to be one of the nicest places I know. It should be too! It's only the capital! Speaking of the capital, here is a picture of the capital building I took before we went in for our tour. Photo is here.

While in our nation's capital, my school went to the White House and got to stand in Bill Clinton's back yard while he addressed the Italian Prime Minister. When I scan the picture, I will circle the president. Then, you should be able to tell where he is if you look closely.

We also went to Arlington National Cemetery. While we were there, we laid a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Our wreath didn't even say the right school on it. They put "Almondale" when it was supposed to be Avondale. Figures. We also saw John F. Kennedy's gravesite, where he is buried with Jackie O. and his 2 children.

On our way to our tour of the capital building, we stopped in from of the Supreme Court House. The law teacher was so excited she got to see the Supreme Courthouse that she was jumping up and down and calling out names of trials that were held there. My teacher is at the bottom of this picture.

While we were just walking around the city, we went to Natural Museum of History. Among many other things, we saw the famous Hope Diamond. I didn't think it was as big as everybody made it sound, but it sure was bigger than any diamond I've ever seen! It was so blue, that it didn't even look like a diamond, it looked like a sapphire. A really sapphire that is. The diamond was surrounded my regular diamonds, and the "chain" was all diamonds also. I personally wouldn't want to wear anything like it; it would be a pain in the neck. Literally. Click here for a picture of it.

This is all I have right now. I hope you enjoyed it! Come again!


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