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MUUIP.Computer animated visualization of ideals

To all,

My idea I am working on is to create a live internet databank of everybody's ideals.And then create computer animated movies from them.

The concept is to grasp focus of our desired ultimate future in an organised, creative and efficient way by visualizing the end results expected on an ongoing basis.

The right attitude toward the goal of this new venture is to understand our true potential of creation based on the fact of the unimaginable things the human race accomplished in the past, while acknowledging the reality of limitation. For example, the first man who wanted to go to the moon died before he achieved it, but with time others did succeed,and they surely used the knowledged acquired from this first man. So you are now in the position of learning to achieve a desire of yours or to help others achieve the same desire from your experiences now, and once you have past away.

The goal of this project is : Meeting the Universe's Ultimate Immediate Perpetually. !!! :-)

Some information about me.

I asked myself in 1993: " what is the best thing to do with all of today's prominent technologies and trends in order to make this world a perfect place?" and the idea mentioned above is what came to my mind; Computer Animated Visualization of Ideals. I have personally done a market survey over the years and approximately 80% of the responding people either like or love the idea! I, myself , strongly beleive and hope in the outcome of this new venture.

M.U.U.I.P.: Meeting the Universe's Ultimate Immediate Perpetually.

P.S.: Wouldn't it be great to present a business proposal of this new venture to: Bill Gates,.................computers Steven Spielberg ...........animated films and Anthony Robbins??!! :)..motivator Even better, show the movies on TPN ( The People Network )??!! :) See TPN's link below. Drop a line to Anthony Robbins!!!

More about MUUIP !

More about MUUIP !:
A new product idea; oxygen cigarette!!:
The People Network:
MUUIP's favorite quotes: Raise your spirit! Read a quote.
MUUIP interactive with other ideas.: MUUIP in the real world.

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