due to so much traffic w/ the ring and the time it takes to load my site i set up this page so i can say a few things.
First of all my page WILL take a couple moment to load for you slow comp users. Sorry can't help it. Having a spiffy page takes lots of space.
Thanks for your understanding.

)-(eaven's World
Please leave your sanity at the door for you'll find none in here. *S* Come enter Meka's World of Weirdness.

)-(eaven's Religion
Dr. Pepper like you've NEVER seen before. Come to this page to find out how not to get )-(eav PO'D at you. *S*

Please do not go to the above site. Its evil, gross, stupid and all sane AND insane people should aviod at ALL cost.
((If your offened easily then please don't go there. True warning))

After sending in my mail joining the "boycott" list I got this reply back:
" Hey Meka!
I'm so glad chemically altered beings such as yourself can make the time
to join a cause as worthy as a protest of our site. May I ask if you get
more enjoyment out of it with out without the Cat Stone?

Consider yourself part of our group!
All the best!
" ((I know u don't care but you've been sucked into my unholy vortex so u had to read it *L*))
Anyone who actally goes to the site that is boycotting them even if its a joke has to be all great. Lets F2B and hand *claps*
Spiced up with Sizzling

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