A content tables
listing the /guest_appearances/
files at poetpiet's place. --------
Files filled
with facts on long lost arts of constitut(ionaliz)ing
and (cross)community
subtle and substantial.
i.o.w., all sorts of currency issues: symbolic, subtle and substantial, (gl)and back around again. The subjects range from (inter)mediate currencies (symbolic yet specific means to achieve social transparancy, value and norm harmonization) and subtle ones (paramagnetics; metabolization of minerals, vitality, nutrition and fertility) to immediate forms of them (substantial; tectonics and ice age directed distribution of minerals). Proper names and credits are given as far as available to me. |
the following names (in order of appearance here):public_insurance_and_compensation_money.htm (5 parts; 360K) peace_plan_11_supp.htm (2 parts; 175K) 1983_fiche_catalog.htm (122K) exit monetary chaos (72K) kicking_IMF_addictions.htm (2parts; 84 and 96K) Beckerath_on_Milhaud.htm (4 parts; 333K) Beckerath_on_peace_making.htm (79K) poetpiet_auf_Deutsch.htm (24K) Vaubel_on_currency_unification.htm (49K) Come this way for a closer look (their tables of contents) <<with proper glimpse of the background colours for the files the links take you to since june 2001>>; (74K) and see the intro further down this file |
All these files concern the evils of 'exclusive' currencies, shown (if not well enough known) to aid and abet crony capitalisms (see Manuel Castells), first appeared in and around the very same issue of an international review in 4 editions,yes, a quadlingual magazine from Geneva which still exists but with a very fragmented...eh...sorry, "specialized" focus, contrasting starkly with back then when Milhaud was holding the reins with people like Zander, Rittershausen and Beckerath as correspondents/contributors. ANALES DE LA ECONOMIA COLLECTIVA ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONONY ANNALES DE'L ECONOMIE COLLECTIVE ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT |
encore dedicated to Aphra Behn:
and sex
paramagnetism.htm (66K) x x x Callahan_and_Hensel.htm (82K) x x x Julius_Hensel_in_english.htm (94K) x x x 1985_Hamaker_tectonic-climate_comments.htm (92K) x x x https://poetpiet.tripod.com/miscs-n-logs/JohnHamaker.htm (108K; looking at his netpresence spring 2001) Julius_Hensel_auf_Deutsch.htm (104K) x x x more info on these subjects, at this site, can be had here.... x x x ......or here for instance x x x championtrees.org/topsoil/soil.htm (david yarrow doing the best digital push in this front I guess); check out remineralize-the-earth.org also. |
to my take on
the money part of
the (gory)story:
I am happy (but
sad, worried and suprised nobody did so sooner)
as a grippy to finally (yet, I'm proud to
say ittis a first in 'Anglo langoed digitaland')
(re)present these pre WW2 documents (after
years and years of believing I would see other people do so, much better
suited, more competent and attired to stand a chance at surviving an onslaught
of refutational people yelling: 'you can't update that, it
is moldy and stupid old hat'!) By
the way...A number of documents in the same vein, but all in German can
be found at: http://www.free.de/GELD
with links to sites in English. We reproducers
(MFN, makers of the site just metioned, info
in the file called kicking IMF addictions, and me)
took most of our clues from, were infected by and struck up friendships
with the since somewhat subsided and reclusive (see
heavy heaves file) but still tenacious
enthusiast: John Zube (see an older catalog
of his microfiche productions 8 files further down)
vs subscriptions
some of my personal thoughts about the (ab)use
and condonement of gold mining practices near the bottom of this file and
in: "value standards....."
Compared to work by the man
featured most extensively herein (U v Beckerath), my own tends to contrast
unfavorably, simply too generalist (coarse
maze conglomerative, painted with a heavey brush, and yet....)
ranting and raving against (yet using) (per)versions, evincing those very
same blend bland blindness of theory and trickery one would like to see
disappear, presently found all over symbol shuffle sanctioning scenario
synopses and synapsing; the compensatory attraction to accounts at and
from the verge of loss in detail is only natural I feel.
The worst aspect of which in this particular
body of thought is insensitivity to sources, side effects of all too preciously
materialistically valuable standards, stores and means of exchange. It
especially, brings out the worst when too concentrated, overdone, massified.
This, in every
other gold re-, pro-, in- and circumspecting sense so
eminently, sticklingly knowledgable work, nevertheless, oddly enough, leaves
the sorrow gold
has brought about, and praps will still cause, untold.
This makes me opt for
the commited attempt to see what and that which is less polarized between
non-commital universality and fanatic accumulation; a
golden mean of straight, narrow and yet the most curvy.
Hype and wolf cry lies help move shares (leven
in de brouvwerij), make and break fortunes; mettle testing unnerve, rumour
and escape clauses considered as progress.
We look back and somebody who does so methodically
enough stumbles across the latest and biggest 'found' treasure yet, ......yet
all of it spread out per capita based among low down-trodden and dirty
tribal reality, which, just bycause we pretend
to be rockets and can shed spent fuel containers, cannot go away any sooner
or easier than childhood, will not redeem
any of their fertility and happiness any time soon after. Bottom
Line: The gaps may be gaping but I like to think Beckerath's work and mine
The gold buggyness
which these writs bespeaks is furthermore commented upon, criticized and
corrected in the file: value
standard and weather stability pretty much all of which was
inspired by the sort of material one finds here. The inthrow
attempts to tackle and capture this problem to free the emblem also. Here
is that (inthrow) fragment
in question to save you from clicking your
mouse thence: English has
been a second language most of the time since the late seventies, (my late
teens), the third being German, in which I wrote nearly nothing but read
some of the best (yet little known) works on religion and culture (Keyserling
and Lessing), economics (Beckerath,
Rittershausen) cosmology and agriculture (Hensel);
it is obvious to me that these 'disciplines' as well as law and technology
are ever such relatively relaying, parallel, perpendicular,....in short,
multipolar partners, take for instance the analogous bloatings from monetary
inflation and artificial fertilizers, life's pollution (modern
and perverted sense, see Ernest Young)
desecrated mental and physical current respectively (dealt
with extensively in chapter 2: (p)restoring
animation to momentum),
not to mention endless evidence that man bites off more than he can chew
or if he juicelessly chews on anyway, certainly cannot digest.
This is not what
I had in mind; let me go try chase up another quote:
ah..finally found
it again, thought it had gone missing but I tracked it down in my priority
issues and abducted it leaving a forewarding adress thither though..:
idols, photon finesse and finery
equally unstemmed tides of biased, homogenizing, monomaniac and sterilizing
moves toward central control, wether simultaneous, superseding, precluding,
postpartem or subsequent (side by side, over,
before or after each other) which cultures,
kingdoms and their growing areas suffer as reflected in our respectively
(crosspurposed) lateral/social and vertical/biophysical
traffic stimulants called currencies and
fertilizers would benefit from the following dredged up derivations: money
may finance and facilitate information flow of and for (planned)
production and ownership exchange voluntarily (when
quantified, locatizable and timelimited) for
us more or less dense, distant, elevated and equal subjects before and
under an undiscriminating sun
(which suffers an as always unsuccesful and
inadequate anthropomorhization of cosmic complexes when we put ourselves
in the middle and at the tide turning mercy of it. In this case Jesus
entreats us to share and have no secrets
for nor hold back from each other, but we prove to take after our motherly
muddling rock at least as much). This so far
singularly important model for central control and its variation bound
business, in contrast to ours, is not as eagerly sought out and after as
the somehow judged more permanent, certainly more solid, but merely symbolic
and so just as surely inedible one of its up till recently dominant representative
delegate: gold.
Equally paradoxical,
its value is raised up to supreme status standard, while ignoring the virtually
free though poisoned in the digging process, byproduct which when wetted
with wishes for a warm welcome of the real and palatable value creating
beamball thing would seem more deserving of this treatment since
such interaction constitutes the basis for life and hence at least biospherical
buoyancy and aging staging value.
What irks
me most about gold is the methods of mining it; I mean the slavery, poisoning
and violence involved and the vices it awakens in the human breast.
So with nature's
currency and creditary effect I mean just such mingling of moistures with
('preventingly and provisionally' minted = crushed, 'decentralized') mineraldusts
from proverbially discarded cornerstones (see 2L the sun saves you and
spends itself).
many more refs
to Jesus are to be found in a file called:
arcs, lovely people
Pinched a Pynchon joke,
but what do aspect off a signist right up there with say Fourier, Suze
White and other collidash scoop ful clumpy clodists encyclickeyly implementing
the HCE (Helpless Corpse Enactment)
keepers game peepers
score keepers
If you find yourself
at the forefront and initiative is (left) up to you would you shirk and
cower just cause you lack selfconfidence? No, you give it a shot against
all odds; the trigger is not left in you neighbourhood for no reason no
matter how undeserving you feel about that.
Nevertheless, I feel the media are mocking my of course feeble and hopelessly
romantic attempts; challenging me to follow up on my own fancies, fill
my own vacancies, lead the way, particularly on the refugee issue. I am
barely able to express, not able to realize nor even catalyze them very
well. When some of these works I onlined last hit a medium and moderately
sizable European audience, the country men of the profferers were shifting
gears in the opposite direction. Whereas
my own work tends to be too generalist (coarse
maze conglomerative, heavy brush, sub- and presumption sanctioning scenario
synopses and synapsing), the compensatory
attraction to accounts at and from the verge of loss in detail is only
natural I feel; worst aspect of which in the case of this particular body
of thought is the insensitivity to sources and side effects of all too
materialistically valuable
and stores besides means
of exchange. It
brings out the worst when overdone, too concentrated, massified; this
here, in every other 'gold'
re-, pro-, circum- and inspecting way so eminently,
sticklingly knowledgable work,
nevertheless, oddly enough, overlooks,
not to put a finer and more emotional point on it, the
untold and yet to unfold tales of sorrow its
mining has caused
and still will perhaps; all of which makes
me opt for an attempt to see what and that
which is less polarized between non-commital
universality and fanatic accumulation hype,
rumour mongering (blow
bubbles and bail before they burst or butcher them bycause they bulge,
depending on your rank in the smell my elbow poke bared armpit ordeur)
and lies which 'help' move shares and make
futures, when really it is a poker game replete with wold cries, mettle
and nerve tests, etc.
Complexities of environment has been displaced
by same of manipulation; I mean 'prim's' vs 'civ's'.
Demarrage, departure as progress; all the
world's latest and biggest 'found' treasure gutted from what low down trodden
and dirty tribal life is left on a per capita jubilee basis. Even the whole
world's gold store
spent on such now ailing, formerly autonomous free societies would not
begin to make the sort of change that really mattered in the sense implied
by the latter half of these files without a (p)regenerative grasp of what
such symbolized wealth signified and/or could mean. Bycause unfortunately
the rockdust gospel is as yet a mere furtive member of our collective group
Stockmarket misery: As more and more people make peace with the harsh reality of earning one's luxury over backs and at expense of people degraded to opponents who are 'levelled', supposed to be equally willing to try make and stake a lucky one, if wits for more informed and shrewd (meaning: insidiously superior and secretively violent) bets be lacking. A child will understand that on average roughly half of them will bet against the other half and the better their beg, steal and/or borrow skills, the more people are prone to suffer the consequences with odds stacked against their sharig in windfalls; no climbing and selecting skills needed. It makes me sick to see the solid and economizing Dutch jump on the wealthy nation bandwagon with all its speculations and pricejacks gaining ground.
PS: The public insurance
piece makes reference to index baskets, 'energy units' and other choices
for account units and value standards, notably some used among traditional
Makuta Negroes. The
rate of photosynthesis carries my preference over say: solar
energy reception rate (SERRA) cause it might
turn into a just as much subsidized affair as ordinary
traffic is now.
on my scan experience;
take and other tiresome tidbits of distortion derivation, slip- an seepage
dynamic if you prefer the optimisticalization):
the files in this folder are scans; I
find it well amusing to give the old straight and narrow, not to say: rigorous
language of these good fellows a mechanical twist and loopy take on
golden mean meanings of gold; the permutant
fuzz generates Joycean
(many a file (4 solid ones)relating
to his line of work at this site)swell;
its allawfull and filling mee with glee.....
As far
as replace alls and manual corrections failed so far, you will occasionally
come across a sentence mangled by ~ and other signs, but not quite so drastically
difficult as in the following example: 22.
The Pru:~cal Reali~oD d ~e Pro~o~l~ meaning
22. The practical realization of the proposals.
Such scan-spell-slip
ups and difficulties were too hard to solve for me without recourses to
the written sources at first; here are a few more samples:
deatically >> means >> elastically; theone
= theorie; aiclcnesa > >
sickness; (a hard one to figure out)
Maybe I 'm just working too hard...I just
did an extensive week long correction session and all there is left to
do does not hamper understanding so much. 'end' should be 'and' and so
Like I said: it is usually easy enough to figure out, easier than in the
above 'cited' sample rest assured, (read d's
for cl's, te's for b's, l for L, end = and, ffl = m, 'teut' instead of
'but', etc, such and similar configurations mostly. I hope the remaining,
uncorrected mismorphscans may be excused, even by John the perfectionist
himself and at least for the time being...)
and sometimes
you can read around and though them since, unlike Joyce, scanners go for
routines. I leave most of the scanned text stand uncorrected cause I think
it is quite readable with a little extra effort and bycause it would take
me too much time to correct it now, unmotivated as I am, since I doubt
many people are gonna read it with honorouble intention nor will substantial
amounts of readers go at it cause they see the necessities and lawfulnesses
summed up right for a change; let alone just cause I want them to.
About some
unfortunate aspects of the format
i r c u l a t o r y s a t i s f a c t i o n"
used to space letters as shown above, for emphasis, and rather than hand
correct them, I left all to stand but it means that one word sometimes
straddles 2 lines. Hope yall won't mind. PS:
Sorry but the tables don't scan very well as text and I have not tackled
images yet, I consequently omitted one table in Rittershausen's piece
for now.
That's all folks, no more guests for the moment except for the ones
who've been sitting in my heavy heaves file quietly forever already it
seems.......meanwhile there's extensive quotes in multiplicities and periodicities;
some of the posting files, etc. And now, better late then never:
my latest intro; it is at (or near) the top of most list post files:
Your host was piet
the punchline pioneer who
shuns not hardest of tasks: (no,
not leading a paper and print free life or a personally owned phone, computer
and car free one too, that's easy; but) to
pinch pith to most universally assimilable of powders cause "it ain't so
bad to be a paracletic dabbler with all these newspfangled plexciting
and gruesomely growsomizing autonomobiles"
Should you wish
to direct anything to me and/or me to, you can mail to:
responses at: pensievepiet@netscape.net
File created and
Tripod tool Nedstat installed end of nov 98, reinstalled july 99; stalled
soon after that,
corrections/updates and add ontos: june 2001
BLABS=Bottom Line Aphoristically Ballistic Solutions meaning: Solutions which break uncivilly polarizing centralizations up or open, wether institutionally animated or simply, inertly dormant (yet animatable) by pushing the logistic limits inventively, notably those (rocks) constraining vertical metabolisms (of trees). Are you stoked? Or ready to test for comprehensivity? Go see what else poetpiet can puzzle people with here ........or here for instance........ more internal and link file links at the bottom loose your way? Sometimes it helps to find the next bit in the same colour you were reading before things got incomprehensible. |
site guide
to Blabsabs_Index.htm
Use the links in the latter half
to reach my older work (via appetizing
one or two line characterizations of the aphorisms, essays and segments
(those with titles are listed in the table_of_contents.htm)
which vary in size from a few lines to a page or two from ) or
reach them via brief descriptions and collected keywords in the abstracts
file. One
may switch to some other people's work I admire
and exhibit via the /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm;
my several (11 files) list interactions via: table
of contents for all list post files; my(11 file) correspondence
Sad the dreamscape
turned into a fence?
Here's how
to deal with that along with whatever else is too dense and tense.
partly hypered) link
files at this site are commendablinklist.htm
and new_links
and recent_links.htm
and fifth_linklist.htm
and an (almost fully hypered) second
priority file with Balkan
sites, lists and (re)commentations
older site guide
(1): Blabsabs_Index.htm
Includes brief descriptions of and links to the main newer and all older
files at this site (1a): keywords
and (proper name) sources of the older work.
(2): /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
(dat be
ware you is)
or (3):
or (4): /list_posts/table_of_contents_for_list_post_files.htm
or (5):
1=(almost as (interna)linkrich
as) 1a + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
Stat installed near
the end of july 2001 (in about 18 files)
Thus ends this introduction to, for and of some hands full of large files, averaging 80K worth (of text only) each, coming to2Mb altogether and sometimes part of 5, 4 or 2 fold wholes; (zwei auf Deutsch dabei). -----------