

The latest news is located on the main page.

January 18, 1999

I'm almost getting that one a week update I was shooting for! J Only off by one day this time. Anyway, here's the news:

I added information on JGDL - Josh's Game Development Library - which is my current project. Read about it on the JGDL page. Also new is the JGDL Design Diary. This is where new information on JGDL will be placed. Most of the updates for a while will probably have something to do with the library, so I may not be updating the rest of the page and this news may sit in this spot for a while. So for current news, check out the design diary!

I also realized that I didn't upload the zip file for my color fader. Sorry about that, but it's fixed now. Get it on the In Development page.

That's all for now. Signing off...

January 10, 1999

Err.....Well, I've already messed up. I was aiming at one update a week, and I would have had it, but I got distracted by my latest programming project (read about it on the In Development page). Also, I just installed Linux on my laptop, so I'll probably be spending a good bit of time on that, and then there may be some information on Linux development here! J

As for updates, I added a DirectX example. It demonstrates what is needed for a basic DirectDraw program. Check out the Game Development page. Also, as I mentioned above, I added information on my latest programming project.

That's all for now, see you next time!

January 1, 1999

Welcome to my new and improved website! If you're a regular, you're probably saying, "What? Again!?!" Well, yes. I got tired of the old site. I was getting lazy and not adding anything to it. I figure that if I totally redid the site, I would be more inclined to update it more often with useful information. Although I am busy with school, work, and programming, I will try to make an update at least once a week.

Here is a list of some of the improvements I have planned:

Of course, there will be more changes, but these are the major ones.

BTW. Sorry about the long wait, but I thought it would be nice to start off this new site on the first day of the new year. J

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