
Updated: January 1, 1999

Here are my software products. Some are shareware (sw), some are freeware (fw), and there may eventually be some public domain (pd). Please send all questions, comments and bug reports.

- Josh Harler

These file are not in any particular order.

All software (unless otherwise noted) is Copyright Ó Josh Harler






Ultra Ball

My first DirectX game. Based on the classic brick-breaking games, Ultra Ball incorporates excellent graphics, superb sound, and smooth gameplay. A must try if you're a fan of the old classic. You won't be sorry! J


Mech War

Originally planned to be an entry into a contest hosted by game developer Andre Lamothe, this is your typical space invaders clone, with some interesting, unique features.


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This site is Copyright Ó 1998-1999 Josh Harler