I hear her say she wants to go
and be what she can be,
I'm in the way, I'll hold her back,
Oh mom do you love me?
I wish I could tell her I love her so,
A burden I'll not be,
But I can't say and I cant be,
So who will speak for me?
Many debates have been had on the issue of abortion. We all have opinions and we all have a right to be heard. Before anyone gets hot under the collar, and decides to send me hate mail, let me speak as is my Constitutional right. You have your opinion and if it differs from me then so be it. It's your opinion and not mine. I am Pro-Life.
In light of recent events I would like to state that I, IN NO WAY, endorse, condone or will ever participate in the harming of others or the distruction of medical centers or women's clinics. I think that education and options are the answer to the problem facing unwanted pregnancies. NOT VIOLENCE.
That being said, let me explain. When I was 37 years old I became pregnant with my 5th child. No way did I want a child at that age. All the statistics were against me. I was too old and at high risk both for me and for my baby. The doctors all wanted to do tests to make sure everything was ok. I asked the doctor why. I asked if spinal bifda or downs syndrome can be fixed if they find out. He said, No but you can have an abortion.
I refused the tests and said that if God chose to give me a special baby I would raise him or her the way God had planned.
The pregnancy wasn't an easy one. I was sick most of the time, had chronic bronchitis and in my 8th month developed toxemia. I swelled and my blood pressure started rising. The tests showed traces of protein and so on Valentines day, Feb. 14,1989, they sent me to the hospital to have my baby.
They began an IV and the appropriate medication. I began labor at 8am and continued in hard labor all day with little progress. This was my 5th child and it was much harder than even my first. To make a long story short, they lost his hearbeat and my blood pressure skyrocketed. Finally at 8pm my son was born.
He had some breathing problems but even at 4 weeks early weighed 7 lbs. He was otherwise healthy and normal.
I went home from the hospital with my son 36 hrs later. Three days after that, I had a stroke. My blood pressure was sky high and my resting heart rate was 120. I spent 5 gruelling days having tests. They found a spot on my brain that they thought was a tumor. It was really scary as my sister had a malignant brain tumor and died at age 29.
My baby was in the hospital with me. I continued to care for him through all. When I went for the tests my husband or sister was there to care for him. It was hard and it was difficult. But God gave me this child for a reason and I was going to do my best to raise him.
The tumor turned out to be a hole in my brain. Not normal but certainly better news than the tumor. When I look at my son now, who is 9 by the way, I think of what my life would have been like without him. It would have been so very different and even with all I had to go through with him I would do it all over again.
I just urge all of you prospective moms to look at the children around you. These children are our future. The future lawmakers, and musicians, and scientists, and teachers and ministers. Do we have the right to alter the course of time by choosing who will live and who will never get that chance? You all have the right to chose what you want to do. I in all good concience cannot say that I agree. Someone has to speak for the children who never had a chance to speak for themselves.
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Warning: Some of the material on the abortion proceedures may be graphic and not suitable for children. It contains no pictures but the proceedures are explained fully.
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