Updated February 9, 2000!
Liz Phair. For those of you who love her, or those wondering who this Liz Phair woman is.
Gone To The Dogs Fun & Informative pet-related sites!
Canine Backgrounds New, original backgrounds of dogs...and other things.
Webrings!! Fun ways to travel the web.
No-Puppymills.com Find out why Puppy Mills are no place for any creature.
The Artful Dog Canine Artists and their work.
Drs. Foster and Smith A great place online to buy all your pet needs, Plus, great Pet Education site as well!
Playing with the scanner. Wedding shots, a few scenery pix And of course the obligatory pet photos*grin*
Receipe Archives A great place for bored cooks.
VH-1.com Be sure to check out "Behind the Music"!
PBS Online Yep, educational TV--what a concept!
Children of the 80's: Don't you dare call me a GenX'er!
Thanks for visiting, hope you didn't get anything on your shoes while your were here! *grin*
The last counter broke down, so just add this many
 to 4,389. Really pisses you off when that happens, huh? *L*
"Don't have time for all your problems... Why don't you solve them?" ~~LIZ PHAIR
NEW!! Listed below are links to items I currently have for sale on E-Bay.
Title of item: AEROSMITH--PUMP CD
Minimum bid started at: $4.00
Auction Ends on: Tuesday, Mar 07, 2000 at 04:18:37 PST
Title of item: *BUSH-DECONSTRUCTED**Remixes!!
Minimum bid started at: $3.50
Auction Ends on: Tuesday, Mar 07, 2000 at 04:10:12 PST
Title of item: Tanya Tucker Hits CD '90-92
Minimum bid started at: $4.50
Auction Ends on: Monday, Mar 06, 2000 at 18:24:24 PST
Title of item: 2CD Rod Stewart "Mercury Anthology"
Minimum bid started at: $8.50
Auction Ends on: Monday, Mar 06, 2000 at 18:18:35 PST
Title of item: NATALIE IMBRUGLIA CD, Left Of Middle
Minimum bid started at: $4.50
Auction Ends on: Monday, Mar 06, 2000 at 18:09:18 PST
Title of item: DEANA CARTER/Did I Shave My Legs For This? CD
Minimum bid: $4.50
Auction Ends on: Monday, Mar 06, 2000 at 17:56:13 PST
As usual, this page is currently being redone. I had previously wanted to do a page that consisted of Women Musicians, but my aspirations outshone my ambition (once again!), and
I am back to square one, with just a few pages with Liz Phair links and info. It's okay, I suppose, since I enjoy making webpages & then starting over fresh.

Go on, you know you want to...everyone else is doing it! (Not that that is a good reason to do anything, but you know what I mean...*grin*)
Say what you want, type what you feel. Let the lady talk!

ANY QUESTIONS? Click on the link below.
Censorship is simply wrong, we all have mouths, and minds. Still confused? Click here.