Shortly after arriving at Starbase 10, the crew of the Highlander are joined by two new crew members; Lt Mark Hayes, an ex Borg Drone and Ensign Jim McFarland. No sooner are they aboard, than their security expertise are called upon to solve the murder of the Chief Security / Tactical Officer. Whilst attending a formal dinner held by Commodore Reece, the Station's CO., Captain James and Commander Crusher locate Lt. Xxeron, who is found murdered in one of the Jefferies Tubes on the Station.
Quickly the Security Personel jump into action and are in the middle of searching for information, when the new Ex Borg member of the crew is set upon by ........ non other than another Borg. The Starbase is a hive of activity as a fleet of starships led by the USS Highlander, race out to confront a Borg Scout Ship as it lays waste to the USS Tokyo, under the command of Captain Theo Hayes, the brother of the Ex Borg Security Officer, Mark. With the remains of the Scout Ship drifting in space, and no further sign of a Borg incursion, the crew of the Highlander high tail it back to Starbase 10, to solve the murder of their former crew member. All the clues lead to a band of Klingon renegrade warriors, also stationed at Starbase 10. Suddenly the investigating crew is set upon by a number of Klingon warrioirs, confirming the Highlander's evidence of Klingon involvement.
As the crew battle the incursions, Ensign McFarland and Lt. Hayes continue to examine the evidence. The closer they get to an answer, the more violence errupts, finally putting both officers in the hands of the Chief Medical Officer. Lead by Commander Crusher, an away team accesses the Starbase's transporter logs and finds so interesting new developments. Acting quickly, the team apprehend a lone operative, working for the renegade Klingon Warriors. With their assassin behind bars, the Klingon's attempt to escape the Starbase, and refusing to stand down, are reduced to particles of space dust. No trip to Sto Vo Kor for these warriors. With many of the crew wounded, and Ensign McFarland transferred to Starfleet Command, the crew of the Highlander, look forward to a few days of recouparation, but Starfleet Command has other ideas ...........

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