Mr. Sedivy's
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Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy World
Decline of the Roman Empire After the Pax Romana, the Roman Empire started to decline. The reasons were political and economic, and they had problems with foreigners. After the guard killed Commudus, they sold power to the highest bidder. This led to chaos every time a leader died. All leaders became dictators, and almost all were killed by their guards. The Roman Empire had 26 leaders in the next 50 years. A leader had to pay his army well to keep them happy so that they would fend off invasions. This led to high taxes and inflation. Borders were left open as Romans fought among themselves. Germanic tribes invaded, Persians took Roman lands, and Gaul tried to become independent.
Reforms Farmers had to stay on their farms; ones who left were hunted down. Town officials had to collect taxes, and pay the difference between what the state wanted and what they collected. Government workers had to keep their jobs for life, and their children had to do the same job. The Roman Empire was split by Diocletian, into west and east. The new capital was Constantinople because the east was richer than the west.
The Visogoths The Huns The End of the Western Roman Empire
Malaria May Have Hastened the Fall of Rome I - The Etruscans / Romulus and Remus V - Roman Life and the Spread of Christianity VI - The Pax Romana and Roman Culture VII - Decline of the Roman Empire Class Activity Virtual Tour of Ancient Rome - Past & Present Historical Periods of | Prehistory
| Mesopotamia & Phoenicians |
Highlands Ranch High School 9375 South Cresthill Lane Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126 303-471-7000
Mr. Sedivy's History Classes
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Government | Modern European History | Advanced
Placement European History | Rise of England
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