Pvt. Wilson, his girlfriend, and his mother.
Pfc. Eitel
Pvt. Powers
Spc. Anderson and his son Nathaniel.
Pfc. Hoyt
Baghdad or Bust!
Spc. Carpenter, Spc. Sokolowski, Spc. Vargas
Pvt. Timothy
Spc. Rodriguez.
Click on the above picture to
see additional photos.
Pvt. Tony
| |
Spc. Kenneth McBean
Sgt. Smith
Pvt. Roberts
Click on his picture to see a VERY exciting update
from his wife, Erica.
Mike... somewhere in Iraq
SPC. Fuentes, SPC. Martinez,
SGT. Kusak
Another photo of Sgt. Kusak...
with friend.
Spc. Reid
Click on this picture to see additional
photographs from Spc. Reid.
Sgt. Rhoads, home on R&R and meeting his
newborn daughter for the first time.