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The Music is by Kenny Gee


This Page Is Dedicated To
My Friends I've Met On The Net

===God Bless All My Friends===


How It All Began

I started on the Net sometime in July of 1997. At first I just sent Email. I knew so little about it then, that I was a perfect example of a "newbie." It became a major goal for me to get this "monster Mac" to do what I wanted it to. I soon found that I was actually learning something new every day. I then got a little braver and took a giant step forward and began to "Surf the Net." I was amazed at all these strange, fun and interesting places to go, things to do and people to see.

I came across some information about people that were actually talking to each othe from a lot of different places. To me as a "Disabled Senior" that doesn't get out much, this sounded totally amazing! I'm confessing here and now that "I do love people and I was certainly a lonely lady before I met my pal "The Mac". I moved up again and wandered on to a few sites I was introduced to called, "The Chats." There I have met many good and true friends. Some of them have great personalities and are a lot of fun, while others are very nice but also very shy. There are even a few that are very nice and helpful to a "computer dummy" like me. I just found all kinds of new friends and it wasn't long before I discovered that I really and truly liked most of these people!

I have met doctors, retired people, disabled people, schoolteachers, nurses, writers, engineers, artists, sales people, cops, desktop publishers, programmers, computer geniuses and so many more it's just too numerous to list. A high majority of these people have this fantistic thing that I wanted, A WEB PAGE! Some of them even designed their own. I was very insecure with this "new, mysterious" field that I had just seen. I felt I would be jumping into "Unknown Territory" and it frightened me. So, I just kept on chatting with my new friends, sending Email and "Surfin' the Net"!

Nearly a year had gone by and I still had not lost my desire to make Web Pages of my very own. I had written a nice story about having Spina Bifida All My Life for some therapy and also to maybe help others. I then thought to myself, I should start with this story. I held my nose and dove on in! After alot of frustrations, tears and temper fits I made my first page!

We all know one thing leads to another. I was still thinking about all my friends and what a help and inspiration they were to me. Again I took a serious dive into making a couple of Web Pages just for them. So page 2 and 3 entered the picture. I have also gone on to take some online writing courses where I've learned enough to start writing a novel.

Is all this to be continued? Right at this minute I don't know. After while? Who knows? Maybe!

Now I could go on and on about all this, but don't you worry! My Mama taught me when it's time to shut my mouth. Now, I will finally let ya'll move on.

By Wynelle Clevenger AKA Big D 5/99©

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to show support for all cancer victims.

In honor of those with Spina Bifida


A Real Big Thank You to "yogi for all the Photos and Music"
and to Glen for the fantastic cartoon.

A Production Of Spyder's Poetry Empire
This Site Is Owned By:Wynelle Clevenger AKA BigD
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