The Blair Witch Project

Heather Donahue

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Heather in grade school.
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Heather in middle school.
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Heather in high school.
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Heather at college.
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Heather apparently wrote this biographical sketch of herself to accompany her film class thesis project about the Blair Witch.

Born on August 17, 1972, Heather Donahue lived most of her live in New York City. Virtually every summer, however, she would visit with her grandparents, Randy and Sadie Donahue, who lived in Fredrick County, Maryland. Some of Heather's earliest memories are of her grandfather's tales of the ghosts and witches said to haunt the area. She made it her mission to investigate and document the origins of these stories, primarily as an act of preservation.

Once her family moved to Maryland in 1991, Heather began studying video production at Montgomery College in Rockville. She worked as a videographer for countless weddings and bar mitzvahs, simultaneously planning her first major project, a documentary on the story of her grandfather's that both fascinated and frightened her the most--the legend of the Blair Witch.

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