on the logo to go to the comprehensive Air Warrior Webring maintained by
Rat Pack :A group of scenario addicted dweebs that I hang out
with dedicated to participation in the historical scenarios.
Cutthroat's Mercenary Company :A squad who does not use country
affiliation in the Air Warrior III arenas. They go where they feel
they are needed in the arenas in which they roam, helping as needed.. A
must see at this site is the lecture series at The
Cutthroat Mercenary Academy .
Ghosts :A squadron who roams the arenas of Air Warrior with
the change of every campaign. A great group of guys. Don't
miss +HMR+'s page The
Air Warrior Information Site , a stand-alone site by a member
of the Ghosts loaded with AW plane info.
Minutemen :A squad page with excellent Air Warrior info and
links to other AW sites. Many excellent non-Air Warrior links are
included (such as links to driver updates, patriotic updates, graphics,
Squadron :A Cland squadron who flies in both Relaxed Realism
and Full Realism. There's a wealth of info in their intelligence section
including tips for learning FR. The
Planes of Air Warrior is part of the Shill's domain, but stands
on its own, giving historical backgrounds and stats as well as defining
each planes role in AW.
Air Warrior
Eagle :A link to not only an Air Warrior pilot, but GE
is the lead artist for Kesmai's Air Warrior. His own art is found
at this site (if you fly AW, you WILL recognize some of it).
Flying Dutchman's Den :ABlander whose site has some good tips
on stick scaling for Full Realism play as well as great screenshots.
Dweeb Files :A link to Lone1's website. This site
has some great help for getting your pc set for gameplay, links, and films.
I owe massive thanks to Lone1 (AND -->TK, too!) for helping me sort through
my videocard problems by way of newsgroup postings and getting me up and
flying in 3D.
website :A link to +MIA's website.
+MIA is putting up some awesome pages documenting the happenings of the
players of the Bigweek newsgroup. Most notable is his documentation
of Earl's memories and postings in Bigweek. Earl is a WW2 vet who
plays AW.
Air Warrior Pages :A link to 7Blues's website. 7Blue's
site has some really useful information on stick scaling, also information
on Events in AirWarrior, and links to good ACM sites.
Air Warrior Webpage :Rocketman's
site is legendary for its training info and films.
Hanger :aBlander who has a good site that includes Air Combat
Maneuvers, tactics to use in various planes as well as links to some great
WW2 aviation art pages. Wlvrn also hosts a html based squad message
board system at The
Ultimate Air Warrior Boards .
Air Warrior Scenarios & Events:
new group of pilot volunteers designing historical scenarios. Their
inaugural project was "Operation Husky" portraying the Invasion
of Sicily. "Invasion
Italy" was their most current event.
Futile Dweebs:A group of pilot volunteers who design historical
scenarios. Their first scenario was the first Relaxed Realism scenario
in Gamestorm's history, "The Battle of LeyteGulf". "The Battle
Of Midway", which ran in June and July, was their lastest endeavor.
Scenario Aircraft Converter by the Kraits :If you fly in 3d
and play in historical scenarios, the Kraits squad has developed art files
that allow you to "re-skin" your planes with the scheme in which the aircraft
would have been flown in combat. Terrain Conversions are also available.
Art differs for each scenario. Screenshots with examples of the SAC
are located on Fidd's
Page. A website offered Sqrl, has alternative terrain
textures including a really neat euro hedgerow terrain:=) (Sqrl's
AW3 Terrain's Textures Page ).
NEW by the Kraits
Air Warrior Sound Manager (K-AWSM) which utilizes the
SAC frontend but instead of art, this program allows you to change sound
effects in the game.
Scenario Masters Guild :A long standing group of pilot
volunteers who organize historical scenarios. Their newest scenario,
Cartwheel is a two phase event, with Phase 1 being complete
and now a part of the annals of AWHistory. The second phase will
begin in 02/05/00.
added 2/02/00.
Korea is a mix just plain scenario nuts who have come together to develop
a scenario based on events that could have possibly occured between
UN forces and the PLA in Korea, 1951. I'm proud to be serving at
the UN XO for this scenario. Registration for Korea '51 will begin
on February 18, 2000 and the scenario will commence with 2 Beta Frames
on March 26 & 27 at 3PM. Frame 1 of this scenario is Sunday April
1 at 3PM. For more details, visit the Korea
'51 Website .
to be a cross between a historical scenario and arena play, warnights occur,
oddly enough, on Saturday AFTERNOONS. There are also EARLY Sunday
morning Warnights to better serve Air Warriors who live in Europe (website:PacRim
Warnights ). In a warnight, you are usually given 3 planes versus
the unlimited planes you have in arena play. There is a start and
stop time for scoring.
Warrior Training & Help:
Air Warrior Training Center :Gamestorm's official Air Warrior
trainers reside here. There are some great Air Combat Maneuver lectures
by AWvets linked here and also the HTML version of Brooke's Air Combat
Maneuvers manual.
Official Air Warrior 3 Help :Frame rates bad? Booted continuously?
I have never had a problem tech problem with the game that I couldn't solve
here. Beats me why it is so hard to find in GS.
Aviation History Webring :Approximately 60 websites are listed
here that deal with civilian and military aircraft.
Flying Fortress: A Virtual Tour :A "tour" of the B-17 Flying
Fortress. Includes a Quicktime movie.
B-17 Thunderbird :For the Buff fans out there, this is a link
to the infamous B-17 Thunderbird flown by the Hell's Angels (303rd Bombardment
Group). This B-17 flew more missions than any other in WW2.
huge collection of WWII sounds and pictures of World War II Aircraft.
If you return to the main page, there is another huge collection of sounds
and pictures dealing with happenings of the War.
Hangar: An Aviation Encyclopedia :This site has a slew
of images and information on various World War II aircraft.
Bombers: The Resource for USAF Bombardment Groups in WW2:This
site has information and resources on actual bomber groups that flew in
WW2. A good resource for the Air Warrior Scenario hound.
Wings :Historic Wings is an online
"magazine" intended for the WW2 aviation enthusiast. Features change
Airwar in the Pacific :One of the greatest World War II photo
and art sites I have found on the web. There are some amazing renderings
of paintings of the Hellcat there as well as virtually all Navy based warbirds.
Planes & Pilots of WW2 :A site loaded with articles on World
War II pilots and their planes. Also links to WW2 aviation art.
Of Fame:The website of the The Air Museum Planes of Fame
with museums based in Arizona and California. Images of aircraft displayed
at the museum, restoration projects in progress, and various information
are included at this site.
Women Pilots in the Great Patriotic War :Someone pointed this
site out to me during the "KurskIV" scenario. It appears the
Soviets were way ahead of the U.S. concerning the issues of women during
WW2. This is an excellent site portraying the women pilots and their
active role for the Soviets during WW2.
U.S. Air Force Museum :Military aircraft of the past and of
Resource Group :A three part site dedicated to the planes of
the US, the Luftwaffe, and the restoration of World War II aircraft.
On The Web :The official website of least known group of pilots
of WWII, the Women Airforce Service Pilots. At this site you will
learn about the first U.S. women ever to be trained to fly military aircraft.
There are excerpts from logbooks, memoirs, even email addys of WASP veterans.
added 2/02/00.
Warbirds on the Web :A nice
collection of WWII Unit histories as well as pics and stories from those
who were "there".
World War II Webring :A comprehensive list of over 350 WWII
dedicated websites. The sites I have visited here have ranged from
memoirs of pilots to information on various battles.
of World War II Magazine :A relatively new online "publication"
that promises to bring monthly info on WW2 aircraft.
Drive-in :Using Real Audio, you may view training films and
other historical films at this site (If you don't have Real Audio, no problem,
Zeno has a link up to that plug-in. Its really easy to download and
install). Some really neat footage can be found at Zeno's (including
a training films that Hellcat pilots viewed before upping the cat).
Paradise :Another link to something that fits NOWHERE!
These are absolutely the kewlest paper airplanes one can make (These ain't
your schoolhouse, fold the paper, fling 'em at the teacher thingies!).
They look amazingly realistic.