Air Warrior III is online
World War II flight sim by Kesmai and played through
The game simulates air combat in real time against real, live players who
are logged onto
Gamestorm around the world.
Arena game play centers around a three
country air war in which the countries of A,
and C dogfight
and bomb each other into oblivion and/or off the map using accurately modeled
simulated WW2 aircraft. Plane sets depend upon the theater of operations
in which you choose to fly, Europe or Pacific (with exception of the Big
Pac arena which has both the Euro and the Pac plane sets enabled).
One can choose to fly in Relaxed Realism arenas (RR meaning stalls, spins,
and blackouts are turned off at the host) or in Full Realism arenas (FR
meaning all effects are enabled). Friendships form in the arenas
and the game is designed to allow players to form squadrons that can be
as tightly run as the participants choose. Pilots can join established
squads (some of which date back to the original DOS AW), start their own
squads, or remain "freelance" players. No matter the country or squad
affiliation, the AW pilot becomes a part of the game that keeps everyone
coming back: The Community.
Kesmai allows and encourages player
Historical Scenarios in which actual air battles of WW2
are recreated and fought by the pilots of Air Warrior. Participants
of the scenarios sign up for these events weeks prior to the actual "frame"
play and offers the WW2 enthusiast a historical and organized option that
is different from the open melee, "fly as and what you wish" atmosphere
found in arena. Most typically, the Historical Scenario is flown in Full

I began flying Air Warrior for
Windows on AOL in mid 1997 under various cpids. "Dawn" was "born"
to Gamestorm in February 1998. At that time, I flew in Air
Warrior Classic's (Gamestorm's name for AW4W) RRPacific and there
joined the Fire Dragons squad, a Cland
squad that dated back to AOL AW4W, then known as the Black Dragons.
When Kesmai and Gamestorm introduced
Air Warrior III,
moved to the newer game (which offered not only better graphics but more
players and thus more "targets" to shoot at*G*) and settled in RRPac1 where
we remained until the inception of the RRBigPac arena. The Fire
Dragons officially disbanded in June 1999 and although several of us
regularly meet on Sunday nights for "squad night" the Dragons no
longer rule the skies of Cland
on a nightly basis.
For arena play I now fly in the
Full Realism arenas, dying on a more regular basis than killing.
There I have joined The Groverats, a FR Cland
squad. We can be found flying the skies of the rotating new FR Melee arena (New Pac/ New Euro) or
FRFightertown arena.
In late 1998, during The Battle
of Leyte Gulf, I discovered the historical scenario
have participated regularly in these since. In the scenarios, I fly
with a core group of likewise scenario addicted "pile-its" which call ourselves
Rat Pack. Although in the arena I tend to be a fighter "jockette",
I favor "buffdweeb"/bomber pile-it status in the scenarios.
Air Warrior & Dawn-
My F6F Hellcat Shrine-
AW3 Scenario Screenshots-
Air Warrior & WW2 Links-
Who IS Dawn?-