15 Nov
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Dates for the diary
Christmas in Copenhagen

The return of the Scarlet fingernail

Thursday, 15 November                                                        19.30

Last year I joined in a tradition for Christmas here that I highly recommend.

Crazy Christmas Cabaret by the London Toast Theatre at the glassalen in Tivoli.

It would be fun to build a Christmas activity around this for  Link Settlers so
I have booked tickets for the 15th November and the performance is at 19.30
If you would like to join us please reserve your tickets through Billetnet: 70156565.
Let me know your interest and we will arrange a get together before the show.

Vivienne McKee is an English actress married to a Dane who brought the concept of
pantomime to Denmark.  She lays on a funny show that plays with the events of the year
in Denmark weaved into a well known play, lots of gags, music, audience interaction and great costumes.

"The Scarlet Fingernail is back! - one new hair raising adventures to save the French aristocrats from losing their heads - and giving the finger(nail) to his enemies!

Vivienne McKee and her troupe of English actors recapture the days of the French
revolution when the aristocracy had a close shave with Mme Guillotine and the peasants knew the difference between London Toast and Pariser toast!

Don't miss this potent pot pourri of French fun and English craziness chopped up with Danish 'hugge'!

Let  Martinne Heckscher know if you plan on being there, martinne.heckscher@concert.com or 39630020 so we can arrange a meet up.  

Note:  Husbands welcome


For More Information Contact:

Address:    Rosenborggade 2, 2. sal, 1130 København (Close to Nørreport Station)
Contact:     Martinne Heckscher  39 63 00 20, Mobile 21 27 02 14, Fax 39 63 60 06


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Last modified: April 03, 2002