27 Apl 2003
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Dates for the diary
Christmas in Copenhagen


27th April – 11.00am

Experimentarium is a science centre concentrating on nature and technology, the environment and health where you are guaranteed an eventful day with the help of 300 exciting exhibits.  Let the kids run off some steam.  Meet at Experimentarium (just off Strandvej) on Sunday the 27th April at 11.00am (regular monthly event).  Bring a picnic lunch so we can all eat together at 12pm. www.experimentarium.dk.  We highly recommend the years card.

Join Experimentarium's Members Club 2003


Family membership, first person:
Family membership, each subsequent person:

(max. 6 persons at the same address.)

DKK 220.00

DKK 110.00



Please confirm you're coming, so we can look out for you:

Address:        Berlingsbakke 20A, 2920 Charlottenlund
R.S.V.P.         Martinne Heckscher  by email to martinne_hechscher@hotmail.com 


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Last modified: April 03, 2002