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Cast of Clones!

Here's a catalogue of the clones you may find on the island.  All clones have two arms for your enjoyment although we all know Krycek does more with one arm than Mulder does with two.

Clones listed here

Green!KrycekGreen!Krycek.  They do the welcoming and serve as bellhops and waiters.  I know this clone has that icky over-gelled hair and the suit of rather dubious quality but they has that overeager puppy quality about them.  What can I say?  It's cute.


Anasazi!Krycek's ready to roll!Anasazi!Krycek.  (And yes despite the fact that I've changed the picture it still actually a picture from Paper Clip) He's sporting the longer hair and the leather jacket (Hoo boy!)  You may see them skulking around the restrooms, phones, or the darker alleys of the island.


Baseball!KrycekBaseball!Krycek.  This clone comes complete with the baseball cap and "dumb ass haircut"  You will find them in the recreational areas of the island.  They're all game but well, they cheat.  Management is not responsible for monies lost by visitors foolish enough to gamble with them.


Parachuting!KrycekParachuting!Krycek:  For those of you into skydiving a clone for you to play with.  He makes it look easy and he looks good while doing it.  Don't let him pack your parachute though.  You might get a rather unpleasant surprise.


Ominous!KrycekOminous!Krycek:  Complete with Palm Pilot but without the God-awful disguise.  You will probably see him skulking about the parking area or working near the computers.  I wouldn't underestimate this clone though.  He can be deadly from a distance.

Want more?  Check out pages two, three, and four of the cast of clones.  Until further notice the clone catalogue at AWWN will be unavailable.