Duane Barry

Mulder, being Mulder feels the need to lecture people who have more expierence than he does in the situation.

Mulder:  There... there's something I want to ask you.

Duane Barry:  What?

Mulder:  You didn't believe me.  I had to earn your trust.  Now, there's something I got to know.  Are you making any of this up?

He cannot be for real.  What the hell is wrong with him?  I seriously wonder about Mulder sometimes.  He's not playing with a full deck.

Not that this has anything to do with Mulder's Punk ass tendencies but I hate Duane Barry.  I'm talking about the character not the episode.  It's just a pet peeve of mine but as a general rule people who talk about themselves in the third person irritate the hell out of me.

General Punkesque Behavior

I never understand Mulder when he does this.  Picture this:  Someone tells Mulder a seemingly fantastic tale that most people wouldn't believe a word of.  Mulder says he believes then a few minutes later he'll ask the person if they're lying to him.  What the hell did he expect the person to say?  "Sorry, I was just pulling your leg.  I wanted to see if you'd believe."  Come on now!

Unprofessional Behavior

Arguing with the hostage negotiation team.  You've just got to love a man who thinks he knows it all.  Sheesh!  Does Mulder think he's the only semi-competent FBI agent in the bureau?

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