
Having forgotten that he's currently occupying the body of a man who is married with children Mulder foolishly decides to lull himself to sleep with the soothing sounds of porn.

Scully:  ... Driving hundreds if not thousands of miles through neighborhoods and cities and towns where people are raising families and buying homes and playing with their kids and their dogs, and... in short, living their lives.  While we - we - we just keep driving.

Mulder:  What is your point?

Scully:  Don't you ever just want to stop? Get out of the damn car?  Settle down and live something approaching a normal life?

Mulder:  This is a normal life.

No Mulder this is not a normal life.  It will never be a normal life and no amount of rationalization will ever make it a normal life.

General Punkesque Behavior

Dragging Scully out to the middle of nowhere (or Nevada as the case was) to meet one of his dubious informants.  I guess we should be glad he didn't ditch her.

"This is a normal life."  Normal?  No.  Hopping cars, planes, and trains in the dim hopes of latching onto the truth all the while alienating one's friends and loved ones, eschewing human contact with everyone except one's partner is not normal.

As Morris, Mulder nearly gives himself away within seconds by calling after Scully.  (Good thing he didn't use her name or he'd really be toast.)  If he wants to get his body back he might want to find out what happened and to do that he'll need to not blow his cover.

Now Mulder's either lost what's left of his mind or he's so maladjusted that he'll never be able to fit in with quasi-normal people.  Here comes Mulder in the body of Morris, a married man.  Now I can understand why he wouldn't want to share a bed with the rather off-putting Mrs. Fletcher.  And I can understand why it's Scully's name that comes out of his mouth when awakened.  However, Mulder saw the picture of Fletcher and his family.  Considering the circumstances was it really wise to go down to the living room to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of porn?

If Mulder isn't embarrassed by that dance he was doing in front of the mirror I am embarrassed for him.

Cheap bastard!  Does Mulder really think that that whole 11 cents was going anywhere?  Actually, the guy behind the counter should consider himself lucky.  Mulder only tipped the pizza guy two cents in "Bad Blood."

Mulder uses the worst info to try to prove he's not Fletcher.  What he should have said is:  Your mother's name is Margaret.  Your older brother's name is Bill Jr. and he hates me.  A few months ago when you wanted to leave the FBI, I made a grand speech and almost kissed you but was interrupted by an Africanized bee.  That would probably be much more convincing.

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