The site was last updated on
24 Aug 2000
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Name of breed:
Curly-Coated Retriever
Size: Height at withers: dogs
about 67cm (27in), bitches 62cm (25in).
A mass of crisp, small curls all over, except on face.
Colors: Black or liver
Everything about
the Curly-Coated Retriever points to the Irish Water Spaniel or the Standard
Poodle contributing to its ancestry. The Labrador Retriever obviously played
some part in producing this fine breed, of which far too little in seen.
The Curly-Coated was
first exhibited at dog shows in the United Kingdom as long ago as 1860, and one
of the first breeds to be used seriously for retrieving purposes in England.
However, despite its attractive appearance, stamina and working ability, it is
now rarely seen outside the show ring. It has been said that its popularity as a
sporting dog declined because of its reputation of being hard-mouthed, a fault
that certainly does not exist in the breed today.
Character and
The Curly-Coated
Retriever has an excellent nose and a good memory. It is a better guard than
other retrievers, and while a little anti-social with its canine colleagues in
the shooting field, it generally combines its working life admirably with that
of a reliable family dog. It requires vigorous exercise, and fares best in
country environment with plenty of opportunities to run free, its curly coat
does not need to be brushed or combed, just dampened down and massaged with
circular movements. Advice should be sought on the necessary trimming if it is
the intention to exhibit.
