saturn's page on chibimoon manga edition 2

manga pegasus Soon Chibiusa completed her training as Supersailorchibimoon, and as she began to go back to the future, she started to hear a mysterious voice--soon to be figured out as the Pegasus. And then, as she was going to spend her last moments in the 20th century, she longed to be more like a woman, not the same "Chibi." And she had a more mature attitude, and Mamoru even said she was more adult-like.

helios kisses chibiusa... Well, she trusted the strange white horse, the Pegasus, Helios. He gave her a bell for assurance and protection. He wanted her to trust him, as he showed great proof by doing so. He needed her power so he could break seal to the golden crystal. He gave her new powers like "Moon Gorgeous Meditation," but her new henshin came from within herself: "Moon Crisis Make-Up." Eventually Pegasus and Helios left like in the anime, Helios riding the Pegasus. They even... kissed.

amazoness quartetThe new enemy was the Amazoness Quartet, who weren't easily defeated. The Amazon Trio died at the hands of the senshi, who received power-ups.

Eventually us Outer Senshi reappeared, and everyone gave their power so Supersailormoon could power up to Eternalsailormoon. With her power the evil Queen Neherenia was defeated. Also, Supersailorchibimoon powered up to Sailorstarchibimoon. Her fuku was similar to that of Eternalsailormoon, but less fancy.

amazoness quartet... in ballsWell, before getting in the Stars acts I should explain what happened to the Amazoness Quartet, as they played a big role in Sailorchibimoon's life. Well, you know they were always attacking us. Chibimoon and I were pursuing the Prince and Princess when we encountered the Amazoness Quartet. We fought a little, but Zirconia ended up "killing" them-- he sucked them into little balls. That happened to me and Supersailorchibimoon too.

sailor quartetWell, Chibimoon and I recovered, but the Amazoness Quartet were still encased in those four balls. After we defeated Neherenia I told Moon to use her Moon Crystal's power and soon those balls turned into the Asteroid Senshi: Sailorceres, Sailorpallas, Sailorjuno, and Sailorvesta. Of course, they were not evil at all; they were sleeping deep in the Amazon, and they would still sleep, for their time of awakening was yet to come. Their destiny was to protect Chibimoon.

naruru and rurunaAfter the Dead Moon stories came a side story! Chibiusa and I encountered Chibiusa's "other" friends, Naruru-chan and Ruruna-chan. Actually, Naruru was Naru's younger sister, and Naru was Usagi's best friend. Anyways, Chibiusa used her new henshin for the first time: "Pink Moon Crystal Power Make-Up." And she even used her new attack "Starlight Honeymoon Double Therapy Kiss."

So Chibiusa stayed a little while for the Stars acts, but soon she left to go to the 30th century. She missed a lot; the Starlights came, the new enemy came, and Chibichibi came too. And all us senshi died in gory scenes; our costumes and flesh were literally lifted away from our bodies, and only our Sailor Crystals remained.

Chibiusa was happy with Diana back in the 30th century. Pluto (who was still in her Super form, not Sailorstar form...) explained that there were fluxuations in the space-time continuum, occuring in the past. She also explained that the way things were going the future might change...

Chibiusa wanted to go back to the past, but Neo-Queen Serenity told her she had given the time key back to Pluto, and her training had been completed. She was to learn new things in the 30th century.

However, little did she know that her best friends Puu and I of the past was already killed at the hands of Galaxia...

sailorstarchibimoon, pondering with the time keyChibiusa was convinced that she should go back to the past and fight evils, as she had visions that Diana and the other cats were killed. (Diana, in her human form, looked very much like Chibichibi.) So she transformed and the Sailor Quartet, finally awakened, opted to protect her. Neo-Queen Serenity told Chibimoon to be careful as she would have to travel across the galaxy, and she gave the time key back to her, and the five went back to the past.

Chibimoon and the Quartet came at the right time, freeing Moon, Kakyuu, and Chibichibi from Sailorheavymetalpapillion, the last Animate. They all went to the Star Garden, where they encountered two more senshi: Sailorchi and Sailorphi. The Princess, surprisingly, was also a senshi, and she used the phrase "Kinmoku Star Power Make-Up." She turned into Sailorkakyuu. Sailormoon managed to kill Sailorphi, but Sailorchi killed Princess Kakyuu with her staff. Eternalsailormoon killed Chi with her scepter.

Kakyuu's Sailor Crystal appeared, and it reappeared in Galaxia's hands. The next enemy... they were... the eight dead senshi.

Well, Chibimoon's new protectors, the Sailor Quartet, were quickly blasted off by evil Mars' and Mercury's attacks (Mars Flame Sniper and Mercury Aqua Rhapsody.) Of course, Eternalsailormoon wasn't having fun either. They kept trying to attack her, most times with succession, even Tuxedo Kamen. I tried to attack Moon twice--once with my new glaive attack, and the other in a combined attack with Pluto. It was fun... of course, I'm always being manipulated by evil (like Mistress 9...) so I'm used to it.

Since it was Eternalsailormoon's battle, Sailorstarchibimoon couldn't do anything. Well, eventually Eternalsailormoon killed off all the evil senshi, after we had blasted her wings off.

Soon after, Moon finally confronted Galaxia. And shortly after, Tuxedo Kamen died, followed by Chibimoon, as with all time paradoxes similar: If Tuxedo Kamen or Mamoru wasn't going to live or survive, Chibiusa would die.

Eventually, through perseverance, Eternalsailormoon won the battle, ending the war for the galaxy with her Silver Moon Crystal.

First of all, the Cauldron, which was a point of the galaxy where stars were born. The Cauldron was under the influence of Chaos, and the only way to win back the galaxy was to destroy the Cauldron. Eternalsailormoon didn't want that, so she called upon the powers of her friends to defeat Chaos. She did, and the senshi reappeared.

The Sailor Quartet came to before that happened, but they also lent their power to help defeat Chaos. They also disovered the origin of Sailorcosmos--a future incarnation of Sailormoon who ran away from everything.

Well, the battle of the galaxy was won, and finally the sailor soldiers had a chance for peace. Usagi and Mamoru also decided to get married, and it seemed at that time Usagi was already carrying the baby of little Chibiusa.

As for Chibiusa, she went back to the 30th Century after she came back from the final battle. Or if you look at it the other way, she would appear in nine months...


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