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June 08, 2000 
Bystander Column of Manny Pichel 

"Shindig" to Reveal New Facets of Pops' Talent . .


Pops Fernandez, who has a patent to the title of Concert Queen, will 
regale her fans with a show like no other on July 1 at the Ultra. Titled
"Shindig," it promises to reveal new facets of the talent and personality
of Pops. 

When you have made it to the top, like Pops, it becomes difficult to
maintain you stature, she agrees. It's much easier when you're still
struggling your way to the top as an artist, she admits. For when you're 
on top, you're constantly competing with yourself. Like each concert she
holds, must be better than the previous one. In effect, she always has to
be topping herself. 

But although Pops admits she has gained an enviable stature in the field of
music and showbiz, she's not number 1, she humbly makes clear. "There's
always room for improvement, there's always a need to grow. I'm in mortal
fear of being stagnant as an artist. I keep abreast with the new currents
in music and try to adapt, while retaining what is basically me. 

"There's always a need to discover new facets of my talent and even 
at times to reinvent myself. Nowadays, I seem to shock some people. 
But that's because I do things I've never done before." 

When she does those "shocking" things, is it her way of hurting Martin, 
of getting back at him? 

"No, that's the farthest thing from my mind. I'm just constantly 
trying to find out who I really am." 

Pops hasn't done a concert in a long time, and she's really working 
hard to prepare for it, including being in top physical shape for it. 

"I've been working out since January. I diet to lose weight, sometimes 
to the point of starving myself. Then I'd binge on food. It's tough." 

She's projecting a more sexy image these days. What's her definition of sexy? 

"Sexy for me is how you carry yourself, how you talk. Beauty is really 
from the inside. What you are inside, inevitably is reflected exteriorly.
Showing just enough flesh and no more, is the secret to being sexy." 
And now that she's embarking on another major concert, Pops hopes
that her artistry, like wine, has grown better through the years 
and will be better appreciated by her fans.



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Midi song playing : "It's going To Take Some Time This Time"

