Carmen Ferrara

Carmen Ferrara Carmen is on the outside looking in on the popular crowd, wishing she could join them, as is most of her friends. She tried out for the cheerleaders but didn't make it because of her weight. She's not afraid to put her self out there and would do almost anything to fit in with those people.
She has an older brother, Leo who she adores, but her father doesn't understand her.

Sara Rue Bio
Carmen/Sara Pictures Carmen Ferrara

Carmen has the heart of a true believer. If it was her world to run everyone would be treated with respect and as equals. The current social system which exist therefore would be thrown out, and equality would rein supreme.
Carmen was willing to put herself out there and try out for the cheerleading squad. The reason she was so intent on getting on the squad was because as a little girl she had went to one of her brother's football games. At half time the cheerleaders came out and did their act, and one of them looked at Carmen and smiled and it gave her the best feeling. She wanted to do the same to another little girl who didn't feel good about her self.
Carmen was by far the best person to try out, but didn't make it, because as Brooke told her, she's fat. After she found out she hadn't made it, Carmen disapeared from school and withdrew from her friends. Lily eventully found Carmen at the beach and the two had a nice talk, and Lily made Carmen feel good about herself, and the fact that she tried out.

Carmen has always had problems with how she precieves her self. She told Brooke, how as a kid she heard her father talking to her older brother about how Carmen was. Her parents weighed her food in order to get Carmen to trim down some. But Carmen being the person that she is, wouldn't let her parents control her, and use to eat bags of M&M's under neath the covers when she went to bed at night. Her parents couldn't figure out why Carmen was not losing any weight.
Each year she use to make a New Year's packed that she was going to diet, and excercise and lose weight. Each year it didn't happen, and Carmen has seemed to have come to realize that it is on the inside that counts and not what is on the outside. That doesn't mean that other people think that too. Case in point, Nicole. Nicole is always tormenting Carmen about not making the squad and her weight. It was Nicole that made sure Carmen didn't make the squad when Brooke said she though Carmen was good enough to make the team. When Carmen hurt her ankle practicing moves for the 2nd term tryouts Nicole was rude and nasty. Carmen, has however realized her dream. At christmas Nicole agreeded to let Carmen be the fifth person on the squad.
It seems that Carmen will except her role as a cheerleader with grace. Although she had some trouble adjusting Carmen came around. Her reason behind wanting to be a cheerleader should keep her true to her self, and if not her friends should help to keep her grounded.

As for her love life, it has been pretty much dead. The only sign of life was a brief internet friendship and possibly more. That guy turned out to be Sugar. Although they agreed to meet one night, before they knew who each other, Carmen bailed when she saw that it was Sugar, only because she couldn't face him. She later told him that she was the one who he had been writring emails to, and that she was sorry she didn't show. At first he was mad, but they agreed that they would keep up their online personalties. That has been the only romance that Carmen has had this far on the show, but I am sure in time that will change.

Carmen tries to remain true to her friends, and although some times she gets caught up in things, she eventually realizes she's made a mistake.

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