Febuary 10, 2000

Bryce Johnson in Booty Camp

In a show that delt with serious subject matter, Bryce Johnson walks away with his second crown of Preformer of the Week. In this episode Joshson's character had a lot to deal with: his mother revealed plans to leave his father, and he was accused of sexually harrassing Lily. When he first learned of his mother's decision he beged her to stay, for his sake. She agreed but it was easy to see she had only said that because of his plea. The plea could have made any mother change her mind for her son. Just like the outstanding preformance he delivered in Ex, Lies and Video Tape, Johnson once again revealed his soft side. We got to see his pain over his mothers decision, his outrage that he was being accused of sexual harrassment, and then his dreaded realization that he was becomming like his father. His preformance throughout the entire episode kept us glued to the set to see what he and his character would show us next.
Bryce Johnson is, once again, our preformer of the week.
See more pictures of Booty Camp.

Febuary 3, 2000

Tammy L Michaels in Caged

Tammy Lee Michaels may not have had the most positive focus in this show given the very vandictive behavior of her character, Nicole, in this episode however we got to see a side of Michaels which revealed more about her acting abiltiy. Playing the popular wretch, she has spent most of the season choping at the self image and ego of most Kennedy High, students, in Caged there isn't a change. After she takes the secreats written down during a women's studies class she announces that all the girls should play a game which would expose all their deepest secreats. In the porcess friendships are strained and new truths are shocking, and though it Nicole remains unscaved, that is until Carmen threatens to out Nicole's darkest secreat. Nicole being Nicole she does it her self and admits, without guilt, that she slept with Josh just after his break up with Josh. This is where Michaels shines. When Brooke turns on her supposed best friend, Michaels gets defensive, saying that Nicole was tired of always being second to Brooke, and that what happened was good. In this little short scene we are more exposed to a character we have been watching for the last five months and more is revealved about her and her protrayer in this scene that we have been able to witness so far this season. The passion that Nicole speaks about, as if she was the one who had been betrayed, almost makes you route for her.
Tammy Lynn Michaels is our Preformer of the Week.
See more pictures from Caged.

January 27, 2000

Diana Bellamy in Hope in a Jar

There was no one preformer that stood out this week more so than the rest, and although at the being of this idea I thought the preformers would always be regular cast members, this week a supporting cast member does. Diana Bellamy as the blind Prinicipal Ceceila Hall she is often the focus of humor and jokes, but in this weeks episode she delievered a lecture to the shows core characters that they deserved, and should speek well to all viewwes of the show. She attened the Sadie hawkins dance with her husband, another blind person. She explained that she had lost her sight 3 years ago to diabeties and she may not be the prettiest or skinist person, but she and her husband had fallen in love with one another purely based on personality. It was a moment that she held the attention of the cast and the viewers, a feat which is quite hard to do even under the best of circumstnaces, but she has to compete with a talented cast. Her sceen may have been small and short, but it was one of the best scenes in the entire episiode and that speaks to the talent of this ventren actress.
Diana Bellamy is this week's preformer of the week.
See more pictures of the Hope in a Jar.

January 20, 2000

Ron Lester in Trial of Emory Dick

Although it was harder to choose this weeks preformer of the week, Ron Lester wins. His protrayal of Sugar was the excellent, especially when he got his heart broken when he learnt that he had been kicked off of the wrestling team by the new coach who didn't even know Sugar. The scenes he shared with Principal Hall and Brooke gave some insight to a character who exist in a world where he is trying to fit in. It was the first time the show has really addressed the weight issue with Lester, and he was primed for the challange. So congrats to Ron Lester for finally letting us see more of his insurcure and hurt side.
See more pictures of the Trial of Emory Dick.

January 13, 2000

Bryce Johnson in Ex, Lies and Video Tape

Bryce Johnson proved he had the acting talent to play the role of conflicted football jock Josh Ford. In this episode Johnson displayed his range of emotion as he stood up to his father and demanded to be heard in the crushing scene that took place near the end of the episode.
Thank you the powers that be for finally giving Josh and Johnson something to do besides be a supporting character to Brooke. Thanks for also realizing that Johnson is a gifted actor who can reach all sorts of emotions.
Bryce Johnson is this week's Preformer of the Week.
Listen to Bryce Johnson's wonderful scene where he confronts his Dad and establishes him self as a young actor on his way up. COMMING SOON
For more pics of Bryce in this episode go to this picture page.

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