Harrison John

Christopher Gorham Bio
Harrison/Chris Gorham Pictures Harrison

Harrison John always has a comment to make. He tells it like it is and doesn't try to sugar coat it wheather he is talking with his best friend or his worst enemy.
When he was a young kid he and Brooke McQueen use to be good buds, always hanging out at each others house and playing together. He would gaurd her house while she was having sleepovers so no other boys would sneak a peak. Their friendship faded as they returned to school after summer break. Brooke had grown and it seemed that prehaps Harrison hadn't. He said to Sam that when he returned from the Summer and he drove by her place she was outside with some guy, he waved like crazy, and he knew she saw him, but she just ignored him. Harrison
Harrison has admited to most of his friends and even to Brooke that he had a major cruch on Brooke. He's had it since they were kids, which would explain why he has always been so egar to help her out. He's help Josh sneak into Carmen's alarmed house, he's stayed with her when she was sick and he's even given her a ride in his car when she needed one. But he stopped being walked on the nnight of Carmen's sleepover, the same night he snuck Josh into the house. He cornered Brooke outside and lit into about the way she treated poeple and the way she uses them with no regard for their feelings or emotions. He was done with it and her. It's hard to say how well he lives up to that, but time, I guess will tell. Harrison

As for the other romantic leads in Harrison's life their have basically been none, with the small exception of Lily. They have never offically dated or been romantically linked, but they did have a serious discussion as to wheather or not they should sleep with one another or not. At first it seemed like the prefrect idea for them, after all they could say anything to each other and they completely trusted the other as well. Harrison and Lily agreed to do it. At the hotel, Lily changed her mind, telling Harrison that when it happens for her she wants it to be with someone who she loves and who she looks at romatically, and that wasn't Harrison. Although he echoed the same statement to Lily it was easy to tell that Harrison was hurt by the fact that Lily didn't see him as a guy she could have those types of feelings for.

Harrison As for his friendship with his core group of Lily, Sam and Carmen. He has been true to them almost without a doubt. The only time he has sliped was when he began to hang with Sugar and Josh on the golf course where he ignored Sam. This aside he has been telling everyone what he has to say, even if they don't want to hear it. He has a comment for almost every situation, and isn't afraid to standup in any battel or argument. He told Sam that she had to give the hole attack on Brooke thing up because it was messing with her and it was hurting her friends. He was supportive of Carmen when the cheerleaders revealed the real reason why they had attened her birthday party.
The one thing Harrison hates about his close friendship with the gang is that they don't see him as a guy they just see him as Harrison, just as Lily did, and just as Sam does.

One of Harrison's favorite things is golf. He loves to play and uses it as a stress release. It's one of the things he has control over and is good at, that is why he was excitied when Nicole had gotten him the membership to the golf course.

Harrison Home life for Harrison is a bit of a mystery, but there are some things that are known. First he lives next door to Brooke and now Sam. His bedroom is on the top floor and over lookes the pool area of the McQueen residents. His Mom and Dad are no longer together but the reason why is unknown. His mom works at the local drug store and apparently dated someone famous in college, however her life now is something that Harrison had a problem with. She's gay and her lover works with her at the drug store and also stays over at the John residents. Harrison hadn't told anyone that his mother was gay, but Lily and Sam found out when they went to the store and witnessed the relationship between the two women. Sam and Lily decided to nominate Harrison's mom as principal for a day, but Harrison balked at the idea and got into a finght with them and later with his Mom. Harrison has come around however and even submitted the nomination form with his mom's name.

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