Josh Ford

Bryce Johnson Bio
Josh/Bryce Johnson Pictures Josh

Josh is very different from many of his friends in the sense that he is almost willing to lose his "cool" status to follow something that he wants to do. When he decided at the first of the year to try out for the school musical he did so without telling anyone. He skipped out of his football practice early and headed to the audoturium to read for the lead role in the show.

JoshJosh was the only one who seemed excited. The football coach demanded Josh give up the play so he would be 100% commited to football. Brooke, his girlfriend was upset because she was going to be dating a drama geek and therefore they would never be elected to the homecomming court. She later recanted this but the damage was already done. His best friend Sugar feared that he would lose his own popularity status because of Josh's drama desires. Despite all the pressures Josh stuct with the musical and has managed to stay commited to both.

At home things aren't much easier. His older brother was a football God, and his father expects Josh to be the same, often comparing the two. His father has demanded that Josh give up the play and stick with football, but Josh has stuck to his guns. Josh's Mom doesn't seem to be that much more supportive, and doesn't get involved.

JoshAs of late his love late has been as bad as the rest of his life. He and Brooke have broke up after a long relationship. Things between them were a bit weird at times but Josh loved Brooke and was very upset when she broke off their relationship. The breakup occured just after the two had slept together for the first time. Brooke was conviced this act would bring them closer in a way she felt they weren't. It didn't happen.
Before the break up they were always pressuring each other about sleeping together, basically saying they had to act the part. Everyone already assumed the two were doing it, and when Mary Cherry overheard Brooke talking to Nicole in the bathroom and admitted that she and josh were still virgins, word got out, causing a slight riff between him and Sugar. He also had his steller reputation tarnished.

JoshThey had their share of fights which mainly came about over the popularity issue. Brooke, after stating she supported Josh in his musical endevor, then went to him asking him to quit so that the coach would reinstate the cheerleaders. Brooke got mad at Josh over the whole incident with Sam during the musical rehersal.

Josh is very interested in doing what he wants to do, and although he may like the acceptance of others he isn't afraid to go against the grain when it's something he likes. He doesn't seem to take pleasure in being mean to others, with the minor exception of Harrison at times. He's nice everyone and treats people with the respect they deserve.

Josh The only fault Josh may have has to do with his popularity rating. He didn't remember that he and Sam were in the same school or the same class as little kids. He's a bit ignoant to the fact that there are basically two kinds of groups at school, his (popular) and not his (Unpopular), and that this division has existed long before they all got to Kennedy high school.

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