Lily Esposito

Tamara Mello Bio Lily/Tamara Pictures Lily Esposito

Lily wants to save the world and is willing to protest and do almost anything for a cause she believes in. She defied her bio teacher, Roberta Glass, by refusing to disect a frog and almost recieved a F for her efforts. Glass was forced to back down when Lily got a high mark on the written frog test, and Principal Halls, chat.

Lily EspositoAlthough she has a strong conviction to make sure the world is a better place she has had to put aside some of her moral beliefs in favor of family needs. Lily took a job at Mr. Clucks, a fried chicken resturant. She initally quit but after a converstion with her mother, who informed her that they were broke, Lily had to go back to the job. She is still commited to making the world a better place, she now says it will be from the inside instead of the outside.

Not much info on Lily's homelife except for the fact that it appears Lily is being raised by her single mother who works as a maid at a hotel. They are also broke. Her mother wishes very much that her daughter didn't have to work byut their is no other option at the moment if they want to stay afloat.

Lily EspositoLily's romantic life is pretty much dead with no real dates or men entering her life latly. The only thing close was an encounter with Harrison where both of them decided that the first person they sleep with should be someone who is easy to talk to, trustworthy and has respect for you, in other words, each other. In the hotel room that Harrison had rented and then filled with candels and rose peddels, Lily told him she couldn't go though with it because the first time it happens she wanted to be with someone she was in love with and someone she was romantically attracted to, and that would never be Harrison. it's hard to say if she knew it or not, but those words hurt Harrison.
There hasn't been any other guys to cross Lily's path, but should soon change.

Lily EspositoHer relationship with her friends is solid. She is there for them when they need her to be and she is also there to tell them to get their act together as well. When Sam and Harrison were fighting about Sam running the story about the cheerleaders cheating on the Bio midterm, Lily told them to knock it off. She's called Sam and Harrison on their behavior and hasn't been afraid to tell them they were wrong. As for carmen, Lily has been great support to her. When Carmen didn't make it on the cheerleading squad at the first of the school year and disapeard for a while it was Lily that found her at the beach and had a long heart to heart with her friend. Lily told Carmen that Carmen had been an inspiration to her and because of Carmen's willingness to put her self out there Lily was able to stand up to Ms. Glass and follow her beliefs about protesting the use of any animals as part of bio class.

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