Mary Cherry

Mary Cherry

Leslie Grossman Bio Mary/Leslie Pictures
Mary Cherry has to be one of the most complex people to exist, although her motives seems to be transparent, sometimes they can be really surprising. One thing is clear her main goal is number one, and what ever she has to do to get her self in a better place she'll do it.
She hangs out with the popular crowd, mainly Nicole, Poppy and Nicole, and of course Brooke. Mary and Nicole share many traits including their quest to be on top, but there is a difference in how they would get their. Where Nicole has a sense of loyalty, Mary doesn't and has tried to ruin her friends. Case in point, during the home coming queen campaign, Mary plastered hundreds of horrible pictures of Brooke around the school. She has also shared secrets she has learned in her inner circle of friends with others outside of the group.
Her mother, a Texas oil baron seems to explain why Mary is the way she is. Cherry Cherry is loud, demanding and determined to get what she wants. She expects a lot from Mary but seems content with Mary doing the best she can. For her part Mary wants to please her mother and make her proud. They seem close although they live a distance apart.
One of Mary's traits to a point is her ability to try and use money in any situation she can. She is rich. She drives a hummer, and her family have taken over the funding for the cheerleaders and have agreed to send all the cheerleaders on a trip to Europe somewhere over school break.
She doesn't mind stepping over people and hurting their feelings. She constantly makes fun of situations that give people embarrassment and it doesn't matter if they are her friends or not. She seems to take pleasure in istreating those outside of her social circle as well, although she doesn't put herself out to do it like Nicole has a tendency to do.
There does seem to be a soft side to this one as well. She was willing to let Carmen on the cheerleading squad even when Nicole wasn't, and has even spoken up about Carmen's abilities. That has been the only soft side that she has exposed this fan. She has a flair to be eccentric. During Emory's trial she had to be carried from the stand by four or six guys after she stared wailing. However for the most part she's harmless, fun and exciting all at the same time. Mary Cherry

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