Nicole Julian

Tammy Lynn Michaels Bio
Nicole/Tammy Lynn Michaels Pictures

NicoleNicole is only interested in what gets her ahead and wouldn't care who she had to hurt to get it, even if that person was Brooke. If Nicole does care about anyone, it would be Brooke, but when she voted for homecomming queen she didn't vote for her best friend Brooke, she voted for Poppy instead, Why? Who knows, but that is the type of person Nicole is.
The only person that may rival her is Mary Cherry who seems to be more concentrated on getting ahead and stepping on anyone to get there. Nicole is by far the most horrifying person to walk the halls of Kennedy High and always works to keep the unpopular in their place, at the bottom of her shoe. She continues to make snide comments to Carmen about everything from her weight and about Carmen not making the squad. She also taunts Harrison and Sam. With Sam she spares nothing. When Sam ran an article in the paper about the football budget and the perks the cheerleaders got, in an attempt to ruin Brooke, Nicole went to Principal Hall and told her that Sam and Mr Grant were haveing out of school, personal contact, potentially ruing his career and causing embarassment to Sam.

NicoleAlthough it appeared to be turning over a new leaf duing christmas '99, by allowing Carmen to join the squad and being civil to all those around her, it doesn't seem like this will be a year round event. She enjoys taking pleasure in the pain of others. It's the typical case of a person needing to belittle others in order for them to feel better about them selves.
In addition to the already mentioned misdeeds of Nicole, she has gotten Ms. Glass fired from her job at a cosmetics store, she's stolen a bio mid-term, she's told Mary and Poppy that the only reason they were nominated for home comming queen was because they weren't any competition for Brooke.

What caused Nicole to turn into this vengful wretch. As a child her only feelings of love came from her grandmother. Nicole and her mother are not close and it seems the two barely have a realtionship, given the fact her mother never even picked Nicole up as a child. It was her grandmother that taught her any and all good qualties that reside within her heart. When ever Nicole had a bad day her grandmother would make it better, but the feelings of loved seemed to have passed when her grandmother passed away.
NicoleIn school as a young child, Nicole was an outcast and always picked on for some reason or another. It was not until her move to Kennedy High that Nicole turned into the person she now is, thanks in part to Marly Jacob. She was the captian of the cheerleaders and taught Nicole almost everything she has become. Up until that point Nicole was an innocent, sort of like Carmen, but with less of a willingness to follow her own convictions and beliefs. When Marly died duing christmas '98, Nicole stepped in.

NicoleNicole hasn't had any real romantic canidates. She's shown a mild interest in Sugar, but that was more to get at Mary Cherry than anything else. She also shown an interest in Carmen's bother Leo. She even attened Carmen's slumber party so she could get some personal time with Leo, but things went south when she took to heart Carmen's descriptions of her brother's ex girlfriends (under arm hair hippies). When Sam interuppted and hit it off with Leo, Nicole was fit to be tied and took it out on Carmen.

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