Mike "Sugar" B


Ron Lester Bio
Sugar/Ron Lester Pictures
Sugar is a guy with a huge heart and a great guy to call a friend. He works really hard to be liked by those who he wants to be liked by, mostly the popular crowd. He has created an imagine of himself that is a mix between a rap star and the all American boy next door. It is hard to say which of those images suits him best, but one thing is for sure, the image he projects is not the actual person he is. In private and with close friends he reveals his true self. A kind gentle guy who's primary concern is the welfare and well being of himself and his friends. He generally wants to be available for his friends so that they can ask him for help or whatever the case may be. He also knows that they are going to be there for him as well. It is in the moments where Sugar is on the computer talking to his cyber friend (Carmen), or talking to Josh about problems and when he shared with Brooke that he had been kicked off the wrestling team because of him weight. It is in these moments that the real Sugar is exposed.
Sugar's best friend is Josh. They talk about many private things including girls, sports and problems. For the most part it has been Sugar who has played the more supporting friend as Josh has had to deal with many problems including the whole football verse musical debate that engulfed the school, friends, and parents, as well as Josh's on going problems with his now ex girl friend Brooke. The only time Sugar has been less than supportive was when Josh was feeding him lies about his and Brooke's sexual relationship . When Sugar learned that Josh was lying, Sugar turned his back on his friend and called him out in public. The other time was when Sugar Josh was going to star in the school's musical. Sugar felt that it this happened It wasn't a fight that his reputation and popularity would fade because Josh was the drama geek. Sugar later apologized for his behavior
There have been at least two instances where Josh has provided the support for Sugar. The first was when Josh was trying to figure out what he was going to do about football and the play. Sugar was scared that his social status was going to dwindle and he would be a nobody again if Josh was in the play. Sugar assumed the only reason he was popular was because Josh was his best friend. Josh told Sugar that that wasn't true, people liked Sugar for who he was and that no matter what Josh did Sugar was going to be fine. The second time occurred when Sugar was carrying on an internet relationship with a girl who later turned out to be Carmen. Sugar wasn't sure what was going on, and it was Josh that assured him that if he felt a connection with this girl then it was real. This resulted in Sugar ultimately to meet the girl.
As for his relationship with the internet girl (Carmen) things were great on line but not off. After deciding to meet he went to the restaurant with candy and flowers, but Carmen saw who she was meeting and she left. The next day Camen went to talk to him and told him that she was scared, and that is why she bailed on him. They decided to remain on line buddies and continue what was going on.
The only other romantic instances he's been involved with has been with Nicole and Mary Cherry. The two girls were battling over him for a while, but although he was the object of their affection one of the main reasons for their duel was a battle over who was going to end up with him.
Sugar is a kind spirited guy, but he does have his mean streak as well. This probably comes back to his insecurities about his social standing. He constantly razes the people in the "other" social circles for being scrubs, and makes harsh comments to them as well. But Sugar knows what it is like to be them. And although sometimes he may get confused, he generally keeps his socializing to the popular crowd and completely ignores the other crowds. Sugar

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