Through funding from NASA, faculty at Montana State University
and classroom teachers from across the nation have developed an extensive
library of on-line and interactive K-12 science education materials for
teaching astronomy. Closely aligned with the NRC National Science Education
Standards, these web based lessons make maximum use of exciting on-line
NASA resources, data, and images. In addition to classroom-ready materials
using contemporary teaching strategies, CERES has developed several on-line
NASA data search engines and two graduate level distance learning courses,
available over the internet to K-12 teachers.
The Astronomy Workshop was created by Dr. Douglas P. Hamilton
and Mike Asbury. They have applied Java programming to allow the viewer
to observe and manipulate orbital motion. This is a rich site with many
options. Among these are: Astronomy for beginners, Solar System Viewers,
Sloar System Calculations, Working with Orbits, and Orbital Simulations.
I wish this had been availabe when I was an undergrad astronomy student!
Great interactive site. Well done Doug and Mike.