Row 1, 4th from left - Bessie Arndt Witmeyer (Bigler); Row 2, 3rd from left - Lottie (Charlotte) Arndt Witmeyer (Rice), 4th from left Aaron Arndt Witmeyer, 5th from left - Annie (Anna, Anne) Arndt Witmeyer (Haus); Teacher: Willis Wissler Hackman (later legally changed to Wissler); Row 3, 5th from left - Mamie (Mary) Arndt Witmeyer (Angstadt); 6th from left - Susan Arndt Witmeyer (Wissler).From Witmeyer Family Photo CollectionFRH 1
My mother, Annie was a very talented person. I feel extremely lucky to have her Botany Composition Book from the Penryn School. You can see an example of the text and sketchs she did while still a student.
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