Tuesday March 22, 2005 8:48PM


St Petersburg Times



 "The Rules of Civilization Demand Reciprocity"

NativeNewYorker (Freepin' Jew Boy)

AKA - The Great Satan



Has the anthrax killer been posting on the Internet?


Is there a connection between the Anthrax Letters and the White Powder "Hoax Letters"?


Are these mailings Hate Crimes?



A "microbiologist" using the screen name "The Great Satan" has been posting on the ultra-conservative news forum

Prior to adopting the Satan persona he posted as "Clinton's a rapist" and under numerous other "screen names". One of his current screen names is: "NativeNewYorker (Freepin' Jew Boy)".

The thrust of his repetitive argument is that Saddam Hussein (and his "sleepers") is behind the anthrax mailings and is "blackmailing" George Bush by covertly threatening a major anthrax attack.

The anthrax mailings in the fall of 2001 were just  "warnings".

The Amerithrax investigation is a cover and a farce and Steven Hatfill - the person of interest - is in on it.

 A lone, renegade American scientist (such as he?) did not mail the anthrax.

 Move along - there's nothing to see here...........


The poster admits he works in a laboratory creating antibotic resistant bacteria.

His posts on October 15,16 and 17, 2002 are particularly revealing:


"Adding antibiotic resistance to bacteria
is a trivial exercise.
I do it routinely in the lab.
You can do it with it a kit that costs about $500."
The Great Satan  AKA -

NativeNewYorker (Freepin' Jew Boy)




"Make the towel-headed,
tent-sleeping, bloodthirsty, misogynistic,
Jew hating medievals
drink their f***ing oil." 

NativeNewYorker (Freepin' Jew Boy)




"Do you believe in fate?

but I want the ragheads
to start believing
they are fated
to either die or
live on rocks
 for all eternity." 

NativeNewYorker (Freepin' Jew Boy)

AKA - The Great Satan 




Flow of Saudis' Cash to Hamas Is Scrutinized (NYT)




Posted by Itzlzha to John_11_25
On News/Activism 09/17/2003 9:06 AM PDT #37 of 96

Everyone should have a pardigm shift and try to solve the problem rather then perpetuate it.

Hate breeds Hate

"And eliminating the Islamazis breeds a better future

 for the whole world.

They started the fight, WE will finish it.

Cry me a river for their deaths...

they were preventable if these ANIMALS evolved past

thinking that an opposable thumb is a useless thing...

Their entire CULTURE is built around the ravings

 of a self-grandeurized pedophilic mass murderer,

 and the enslavement of the world to said philosophy.

War is wearing a strapped on bomb into civilian

populations as to do the MAXIMUM damage to children

and war BACK AT them will be the

systematic ELIMINATION of them all as a threat...since

they ALL ARE a threat to all frere life on Earth.


Show me how they are deserving of sympathy or survival,

and I will show you chapter and verse on how they have

brought pain and sorrow to ALL they contact...

including their own self-inflicted pain!'





Islam Q&A Posted by The Great Satan to white trash redneck

On News/Activism 05/20/2002 2:08 PM PDT #2 of 9

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

Whoever kills a muaahid will not smell the fragrance of Paradise,

even though its fragrance may detected from a distance of forty days.



"Mohammed was a goober, as well as a goathumper.

Ever since 9-11, I've been using the Koran for toilet paper.

Keeps me regular. Makes taking a dump into a rewarding

and even artistically satifying experience."



Srebrenica Casualty Numbers Challenged by Experts as Politicized and Ethnically Divisive

Posted by Itzlzha to Ronly Bonly Jones; Hoplite
On News/Activism 09/21/2003 5:32 PM PDT #47 of 90
I strongly suggest you educate yourself on the subject and remain silent until you do.
And I strongly suggest you and Hoplite take your Islamazi-loving crap and bow to it 3 times daily!
We are in World War III, and Islamazis are the BAD GUYS HERE!
Y'know what...Bosnia was Klinon's war, and ANYTHING that charlatan Wormtongue was involved with was 180 degrees off from the TRUTH!
Until the supposed "Moderate" Islamazis rise up and take back their perverted supposed religion from the Wahhabists (which they will never do, as they are part of the Jihadist culture as much as Al Queda), they are my ENEMY, and well be treated accordingly!
Wait till the war comes home to the Islamazis in Bosnia...I believe Russia will have a small say in how the Islamazis are handled.
Interesting you support those who wear explosive into public area and blow up Jewish children...but cry a river when these left-hand-A$$wipers start a war and get hit back...seems to be a Islamazi trait, just like the scumbag Pali's do it!
Tell your crap somewhere else...we all still bear the scars of your "Religion of Peace" treacherous ba$stards LAST effort in the US...we now share with the jews the following sentiment...





To: Amerithrax

Amerithrax said:

"Submit a Tip if you have information regarding the Amerithrax investigation."

"Here's the tip:

Amerithrax is a hoax, a fraud, a diversion, a feint, a Potemkin Village, a sham, a scam, a PR exercise, cheap theatrics, wartime propaganda, disinformazia, a painted storefront on a Hollywood backlot, a joke, a goof, a delaying tactic, a stall, a charade, a fake, and a travesty. The purpose of Amerithrax is to temporarily distract the American people's attention from the fact that the United States is being blackmailed by Saddam Hussein with a handful of dust, and won't be able to do anything about for some time to come. The personnel of Amerithrax, such as Joyce Chiang bungler SA Bob Roth and Ruby Ridge coverup artist Van Harp, were specifically selected for incompetence and/or pliability. The Siegfried and Roy duo who were flown in to provide the bloodhound talking point used to keep this flagging story alive were specifically chosen for their suggestability and questionable professionalism, widely recognized in their own industry. The supposed "person of interest" to Amerithrax, Dr. Steven Hatfill, author of the unpublished science fiction novel Emergence, which postulates a bioterror attack on the US by Saddam Hussein behind a veil of terrorist proxies -- more or less the scenario that has come to pass, in other words -- is actually one of the authors of the Amerithrax gambit, which he conceived along with his immediate social circle of biowar specialists and Pentagon intelligence officers. Hatfill has not the slightest concern that he will ever be arrested in the anthrax deaths. Hatfill's mythical traumatized girlfriend will not be doing Larry King or Barbara Walters, Hatfill will not run out of money for legal expenses and be reduced to panhandling in the streets, because Uncle Sam is making sure he's taken care of, and the "growing sense of excitement" that John Ashcroft cited in the Amerithrax investigation four months ago will come to nothing, just as it has come to nothing in the four months since he cited it."

END TIP            

38 posted on 12/13/2002 9:21 AM PST

by The Great Satan







Link between ricin, anthrax mailings? ^ | Feb. 3, 2004 | WP


Link between ricin, anthrax mailings?

WASHINGTON - The discovery of ricin in a Senate office building has prompted the FBI and other federal investigators to consider whether the case could be connected to the unsolved anthrax attacks of late 2001, which killed five people and sickened 17 others.

Investigators and lawmakers stressed Tuesday that it was much too soon to determine if there is any link between the cases. But FBI and postal officials noted a number of superficial similarities.

"That is obviously one of the main lines of inquiry that we're pursuing," one FBI official said Tuesday. "There are a lot of similarities that certainly raise the possibility of a connection."

Authorities Tuesday were also investigating a powder found in an envelope addressed to the Republican National Committee at the same Connecticut mail distribution center where anthrax spores were found in 2001.





Los Angeles, Alta California - October 9, 2001 (ACN) -

On Monday July 9, 2001, we received a handwritten letter in our mail box addressed to the publisher of La Voz de Aztlan.

The letter had no return address but had a
July 5, 2001 U.S. postal mark from Santa Clarita, California.......

The one page letter contained a small amount of a yellowish white substance and the text of the letter alluded to the fact that Jews had an illustrious history in biological research that included the development of the Salk vaccine.

The letter ended with "Unfortunately, if Hitler was alive today he would pin a medal on you. Unfortunately during World War II the Arabs also supported Hitler. Racism and hatred destroy!"

A few minutes after opening and reading the letter, I started sneezing and coughing and became ill with flu like symptoms.

I connected the commencement of the symptoms with the suspicious white substance in the envelope and proceeded to place the letter and envelope in a plastic zip lock bag. Within hours I was able to see my doctor and he put me on 30 days of antibiotics. I have had recurring flu like symptoms ever since.

A few days ago a similar situation occurred in
Boca Raton, Florida where, according to news reports, a letter was sent to the offices of a news service with a white soapy substance that killed at least one person.

Another person in the office tested positive for Anthrax spores in his nostrils. The laboratory engineered Anthrax spores came in the mail in an envelope that included a "Star of David" charm according to an Associated Press news article released today.

The FBI is presently conducting an investigation and very little information has been released concerning this case...."

Hector Carreon
La Voz de Aztlan






Politics and the Life Sciences September 2002 vol. 21, no. 2

Biological weapons and bioterrorism in the first years of the twenty-first century

Milton Leitenberg

Senior Research Scholar

Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland

School of Public Affairs University of Maryland College Park, MD

 The anthrax events in the United States in the fall of 2001

The most significant question about the Amerithrax events is whether the postal anthrax campaign of 2001 indicated what may be expected with increasing frequency or, instead, was the latest in a series of essentially anomalous events. If we recapit­ulate the experience of recent decades we find the fol­lowing key points:

1. As far as we know, there has never yet been an instance of state-supported bioterrorism.

2. In an attack mounted by the Rajneesh cult in the United States in 1984, salmonella cultured by a few individuals working in primitive facilities was used successfully as an incapacitant, but for a local purpose and by local application to food.

3. In Japan between 1990 and 1994, the Aum Shinrikyo cult tried to produce anthrax and botulinum toxin. Their ambitions were more grandiose, and their efforts, facilities, and expenditures much more impres­sive. Nevertheless, they failed totally, even in their attempts to purchase professional assistance, both in Japan and in other countries.

4. An extensively detailed recent examination of fif­teen international terrorist groups the PKK, IRA, Hizbollah, Tamil Elam, and so on for which there existed a record in the public media claiming either

interest in or actual use of chemical or biological weapons demonstrated virtually zero evidence of efforts to produce biological agents.83

5. To date, evidence regarding al Qaeda indicates persistent interest and some effort but as yet little capacity and no known successes.

Should it develop that the U.S. anthrax incidents were perpetrated by an insider, a well trained pro­fessional, with access to facilities, strains, vaccination, and the like, as strongly suggested by official U.S. agen­cies, then it is possible to suggest that in the absence of such a perpetrator having carried out these events there might not have been any bioterrorist event for many years. Given that the events have occurred, however, no matter in what manner, most analysts assume that they will bring the next similar event to pass sooner than would otherwise have been the case.

The anthrax events began at the end of September 2001 and continued into October. As of this writing, nearly a year and a half later, the basic who-how-why questions remain unanswered or, at least, they have not been answered confidently enough to yield an open allegation. It is unknown if they were related to the air­craft attacks, but it is apparently the official position that they were not. It has become publicly known that a substantial investigation focused on an American virologist who had worked at USAMRIID for two years. He had then worked for a private defense con­tractor, SAIC, supervising biodefense contracts, some at a classified level. In that capacity he had developed a relationship with one of the last remaining profes­sionals who had played an important role in the pre­1969 U.S. BW program. Both his position and that relationship had apparently afforded him access to classified information on BW production processes and technology, until his security clearances were revoked. He also had access to U.S. government facilities that worked with the Ames strain of B. anthracis and that produced dry powdered organisms. Repeatedly ques­tioned by the F.B.I., he has nevertheless not been charged. In November 2002, an FBI spokesman offered this comment:

What we do have and what we do know is that the anthrax was mailed here in the United States; we know it was mailed from 10 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey, from a mailbox. We know the flow of the mail flow, we know the dates that the letters were sent, and it would appear to many of us that have worked this investigation, that its much more consistent with someone being an American-born, and having some level of familiarity with the Princeton-Clinton New Jersey areas versus a foreign operative coming into the US and being able to successfully conduct such an attack.84

According to data compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), letters mailed through the postal system produced 22 cases of cuta­neous or pulmonary anthrax; five victims died over a period of 8 weeks. The quality of the samples varied. Some apparently were crude, but the samples that were sent to U.S. Senators Daschle and Leahy, reportedly of several grams, were prepared so that most of the parti­cles were under five microns in size and treated to facil­itate aerosolization. The spores in these two envelopes differed to some degree but were present in extremely high concentration and purity. Definitive, official descriptions of the attack material such as midpoints of particle-size distribution, widths of particle-size dis­tribution, purity, numbers of intact spores per gram, numbers of fragmented spores per gram, presence or absence of additives, identities of additives if present have not yet been made public, and leaked unofficial descriptions have varied widely and incompatibly.

The envelopes containing the bacilli were mailed to media organizations and to two members of the U.S. Senate. The mechanics of postal processing machinery combined with the pore size of ordinary mailing enve­lope paper led to the exposure of postal workers, as well as to cross contamination of mail. This resulted in 19 sites in the Washington, D.C., area being contami­nated at medically insignificant levels, but one Senate office building remained closed for months, and two central postal distribution centers, one in Connecticut, were still closed for decontamination. Postal employees were hardest hit. So far, the method chosen for distribution of the bacilli does not appear to have been capable of producing mass casualties.

At this time we know only the technical quality of some of the agents and the means of their distribu­tion.85 Only four envelopes containing bacilli have been recovered, although there must have been at least one other. The bacilli contained in all examined envelopes were known variants of the Ames strain, which first became available to the U.S. biodefense program in the early 1980s. Due to its potency, it became the standard strain for animal-model vaccine­efficacy studies. Somewhere between 15 and 20 labo­ratories in the U.K., U.S., Canada, and Israel have worked with Ames strain variants. There is now an effort to distinguish small differences in the genomes of the Ames cultures possessed by different laboratories so as to identify the culture most closely resembling that used in the attacks.86 Some of the results of this research have been published, but the work appears to have been inconclusive, except to say that the organ­isms in the envelopes had been produced within the two years preceding their mailing.

The proximity in time to September 11 was strongly suggestive. In addition, the knowledge, equipment, and working conditions necessary to produce a high-qual­ity dry B. anthracis powder led several specialists to suspect state support. That factor, as well as some tech­nical characteristics of the preparation, produced sub­stantial suspicion that Iraq was likely to be implicated. This theory was summed up in Congressional testi­mony by Dr. Richard Spertzel, the former Head of Biological Weapons inspections for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq between 1994 and 1998:

I have maintained from the first descriptions of the material contained in the Daschle letter that the qual­ity appeared to be such that it could be produced only by some group that was involved with a current or former state program in recent years. The level of knowledge, expertise, and experience required and the type of special equipment required to make such qual­ity product takes time and experimentation to develop. Further, the nature of the finished dried product is such that safety equipment and facilities must be used to protect the individuals involved and to shield their clandestine activity from discovery . . .

I do not believe science will identify the laboratory or country from which the present anthrax spores are derived. The quality of the product contained in the letter to Senator Daschle was better than that found in the Soviet, U.S. or Iraqi BW program, certainly in terms of the purity and concentration of spore parti­cles . . .

Iraq certainly knows how to produce 100 percent pure spores. That is a technique that they developed in a two-step fermentation process which is capable of giving them the kind of concentrations that we are see­ing in the Daschle letter . . .

Although Iraq claims a low concentration in its final liquid product, such low levels can not be sub­stantiated and the process used by them is capable with slight tweaking to produce the levels seen in the Daschle letter. Iraq used bentonite in its production of Bacillus thuringiensis spores as recovered in 1994 by UNSCOM; however, Iraq through TSMID, its pro­curement arm for its BW program, also sought a sup­ply of pharmaceutical grade silica in 1988 and 1989. Although suggestive evidence indicates Iraq was able to obtain such material we did not obtain definitive evidence to prove this acquisition. Iraq was also inter­ested in obtaining other materials that would make a good additive for weapons-grade material. Iraq, unlike the Soviet and U.S. programs, did not mill its dried product; rather the Iraqi BW team learned the method of obtaining a readily aerosolizable small particle product in a one step spray drying procedure . . .

[W]e know from actual evidence in 1994 of a related agent, bacillus thuringensis, a biopesticide, that they demonstrated their capability of producing a small particle using a spray dryer without milling. In that case, they used Bentonite as the additive.87

Later in 2002, having gone back and searched UNSCOM records, Spertzel provided additional details. The Iraqis had used silica gel to enhance the dispersability of wheat smut spores; they had also investigated its use as a carrier for the aflatoxin pro­duced in their BW program; and thay had procured 10 tons of another commercial silica compound for use in their chemical weapons program.88 Finally, a classified U.S. Department of Defense document dat­ing from 1991 reportedly stated that Iraq had imported approximately 100 metric tons of yet a third commercial silica product between the years 19823 and 1991. Oddly, in August 2001, a U.N. sanctions panel overrode U.S. objections and allowed Iraq to import another 25 metric tons of the same compound of which they had earlier reportedly acquired 100 tons.89 The U.N. oil-for-food program had not listed the item as proscribed on its Goods Review List. It is clear from UNSCOMs investigation that the Iraqi BW program was extraordinarily thor­ough in its review of the research and patent literature of those Western states that had maintained offensive BW programs. Whether they were able to carry out that review on their own or were assisted by another government, or by a private consultant, is not pub­licly known.

An argument against a state sharing responsibility for the anthrax events is the idiosyncratic distribution of the mailings. The ineffective samples sent to the New York media, the mailing to the publication office of the trashiest U.S. tabloids in Florida, and then the mailings to Democratic Party Senator Daschle, and even more so to his colleague Senator Leahy, all suggest a particular animus, and in the latter cases a knowl­edge of domestic U.S. political issues, none of which are plausible concerns of foreign governments, includ­ing the government of Iraq.

Again, there have heretofore been no examples of states with biological-or chemical-weapons capabilities extending assistance in those areas to terrorist groups, even ones they support or with whom they collaborate. However, as indicated above, neither Iraq nor al Qaeda operates on the basis of precedent. Whatever the evi­dence eventually demonstrates to have been the case direct state action, state assistance to a terrorist group, or an act carried out by a domestic group or individual the anthrax events will be seen as having crossed another threshold.90

Officials have made clear that they believe the per­petrator or perpetrators to be U.S. nationals, almost certainly ones with experience in and access to the U.S. biodefense program and its facilities,91 going so far as to veto an effort made by France to have the U.N. Security Council condemn the anthrax incidents, on grounds that they likely constituted a domestic crim­inal matter.92 In mid-December 2001, it became known that Dugway Proving Ground, in Utah, one of the major facilities in the U.S. biodefense program, had been producing small quantities of Ames strain anthrax for nearly two decades.93 It had also been pro­ducing dry powder versions of anthrax simulants, as well as weapon-grade dry powder anthrax. It addition­ally became known that at least one C.I.A. contractor had also been working with the Ames anthrax strain but purportedly had made no dry powder.94 On April 4, there was the first media suggestion that the biode­fense program had been withholding information from the anthrax investigation:

[F]ederal investigators say . . . that the US military is not telling them everything about secret anthrax research programs . . . [M]ilitary and intelligence agen­cies have withheld a full listing of all facilities and all employees dealing with top-secret anthrax programs . . . [I]nvestigators say the criminal investigation has come up now against some closely held military secrets which are slowing down the pursuit for the anthrax killer.95

In November 2002 it was disclosed that the F.B.I., as a part of its criminal investigation, was attempting to produce dry powder anthrax with the characteristics found in the envelopes sent to Senators Daschle and Leahy.96 It was not apparent why this procedure was necessary or whether it would even be useful. At a min­imum, it raised questions regarding infringement of the BWC. Presumably, it was considered justified by assuming law enforcement to be included under the other peaceful purposes allowed for biological agents under Article I.

A summary assessment of the anthrax events to date suggests what must have been a gratifying result for those responsible. Twenty-two cases in four states New York, New Jersey, Florida, Connecticut and the District of Columbia. Eleven cases of inhalational disease, five fatal, and eleven cases of cutaneous dis­ease. An undisclosed number of exposures determined by seroconversion. Antibiotic prophylaxis of presumed exposure in as many as eleven million people, very few of whom were in fact at risk but in some of whom adverse reactions or selection of antibiotic-resistant strains of ordinary bacteria might have occurred. 97 Thousands of false anthrax alarms and hoaxes in the United States and thousands more affecting aircraft, government ministries and facilities, and other imag­ined targets worldwide, many obligating costly response. In all, tens of thousands. Disruption and dis­location involving thousands of workers and requiring prolonged remediation under the most exacting condi­tions. The cost for decontaminating one Senate Office Building was $42 million, and the prospective cost for decontaminating the three most affected postal facili­ties has now been estimated at over $150 million.98 The cost of future preventive measures in the postal system alone has been put as high as $5 billion.99 Indirect economic costs are hard to guess; emotional and social costs cannot usefully be estimated. A final result could prove costliest of all, since the media obtained and then released much provocative informa­tion on the mechanics of aerosolizing biological agents information previously unobtainable on the fre­quently alluded to web.

Nevertheless, public health effects, in the narrow terms of the occurrence of a disease, illness, and death, were small and were by and large well managed. Contrary to the prediction of recent years, cases of the disease were recognized by the medical community despite virtually no past experience. Auxiliary effects outside of the public health system, however, have been enormous. Whether or not U.S. government and media response was inappropriate and inordinate, a limited amount of pathogenic material ineffectively dissemi­nated had produced massive political and psychologi­cal consequences and economic expenditures in the bil­lions of dollars.

Two related questions remain. Was response to the events reasonable? And to what degree should previ­ous estimates of the likelihood of bioterrorism be changed? There was no way to know how much anthrax the perpetrators had, whether there was an offshore pipeline that might deliver more, whether the events would escalate to more serious forms of mass-casualty release mechanisms, or whether, as now seems the case, the incidents had ended with the known cases. As a result of the massive and frequently misleading media attention that was given to the anthrax events, a public opinion poll taken on November 8, 2001 roughly one month after the anthrax events began showed that Americans con­sidered bioterrorism to be the most urgent public health problem facing the country.100

One can compare the anthrax events to more seri­ous public health challenges and mortality levels.101 Twenty-two people fell ill, of whom five died, in a U.S. population of 275 million. Active prophylaxis defi­nitely prevented other cases, although the number appears to be small. One study estimated that nine people out of the 5,000 Florida media employees and postal workers in Washington, D.C., and New Jersey who were given prophylactic antibiotics would other­wise have developed inhalational anthrax. However, that study made no estimate of the number of inhala­tional anthrax cases that were prevented by distribu­tion of antibiotics to the group most severely at risk, those at the Senate. Estimates are that some 500 peo­ple in the Hart Senate Office Building were exposed to hundreds of times the human lethal dose. Some spe­cialists therefore believe that all those exposed in the Senate office building would have succumbed to inhalational anthrax if not for immediate treatment with antibiotics. Clearly, more than nine additional cases must have been prevented.102

By way of comparison, annual U.S. mortality due to influenza A and B is a heterogeneous statistic but is thought to be about 30,000 people in a typical year; 700,000 people worldwide are said to have died of Hong Kong influenza at the end of the 1960s. More than 750,000 cases of sepsis occur annually in the United States, and of those, 215,000 die.103 Weight­related illnesses obesity kill 300,000 people per year in the United States 800 per day.104 Four hun­dred and forty thousand people per year in the U.S. die from tobacco-related health conditions.105 The human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, now infects more than 40 million people worldwide and killed over three mil­lion last year. The level of antibiotic resistance in com­mon food-borne bacteria continues to rise dramati­cally. 106 Malaria kills 3,000 people per day, over one million per year, in Africa alone.107 On top of all this, the United States has been suffering shortages since the summer of 2001 of standard vaccines against basic childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, and pneumonia.108 Compared to these numbers, one must conclude that despite the extraor­dinary quality of the bacillus preparation, the real dan­ger to public health remained small because of ineffec­tive distribution. Obviously, major public-health killers and bioterrorism are dealt with very differently.

Enormously increased expenditures to combat bioterrorism have universally been applauded for sev­eral years on the grounds that they would bring bene­fits to the field of public health and disease prevention in general, through enhanced epidemiological disease surveillance, laboratory and research programs, and the development of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. However, that widespread assumption was called into question during a conference on global infectious dis­eases held at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in April 2002. Counter-bioterrorism expenditures might produce benefits by spillover to the public health arena, but they could turn out to actually hinder con­tainment of the growing global problem of infectious diseases, by drawing a limited pool of research talent away from work on the major national and interna­tional public health killers.109 New funding initiatives for bioterrorism prevention announced in the United States by the National Institutes of Health suggest pre­cisely that. Even in the current situation, only two of approximately 300 candidates for doctoral degrees in molecular biology at the Harvard Medical School in 2002 were studying malaria.110

The same consequence also appears more broadly. In 1997, two years after the disclosure of the BW pro­grams of both the Iraqis and the Soviets, the latter pros­pering covertly from 1972 to 1993, U.S. expenditure for domestic preparedness against biological attack was $137 million. Within two years of the 2001 attacks, this sum had reached $6 billion for the 20032004 fis­cal year.111 Nevertheless, state and municipal public health officials claimed that they would have to divert staff and curtail tuberculosis and cancer screening serv­ices to comply with the federal smallpox vaccination program.112 As Dr. Muin Khoury, Director of the Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention at the CDC stated in February 2003, Public health is in disarray, and this emphasis on terrorism is eroding the public health infrastructure even more.113

Who prepared the bacillus, and how much was pro­duced? Did a state produce it? If involved at all, did a state prepare the bacillus and pass it to the perpetrator or perpetrators or simply provide advice, equipment, money, or oversight, with the agent itself coming from some other source? Or was the bacillus prepared entirely by the perpetrator or perpetrators, and, if so, what professional training and capabilities did he, she, or they have, and in what setting and with what equip­ment was the work done? Was the anthrax produced and distributed by an individual or group in the United States, unrelated in any way to the September 11, 2001, events?

In October 2002, a White House official was quoted expressing the opinion that, even if the party responsi­ble for the anthrax events were not found, he the official was not sure the provenance in the end mattered, because it showed how vulnerable we were to an attack.114 This was a mistaken judgment; one theory of perpetrator motivation presumes a compul­sion to demonstrate American vulnerability. Determining the likelihood of similar attacks depends crucially on identification.

The most serious long-term threat remains the pro­liferation of state-sponsored programs, even if recent events prove to have been the work of a classic loner or unassisted terrorists. Whoever it was who in 2001 established the modern precedent for biological weapons use, one consequence might be that states will be emboldened to engage in such use themselves, per­haps at first in small covert operations, or they at least might feel more pressure to engage in research and development, so as to anticipate possible threats. If so, then the world would have slipped from an envelope into an arms race.



"Why are there no Arabs on

  Star Trek?

  Because it takes place 

  in the future."


NativeNewYorker (Freepin' Jew Boy)

 AKA - The Great Satan



What, Exactly, are the Great Achievements of the Islamic World?

Posted by The Great Satan* to matamoros On News/Activism 02/03/2002 1:28 AM PST #94 of 196

"Indeed! Islam and Nazism: two peas in a pod."






         "THIS IS NEXT”





This website, like the Anthrax Killer case, is a mosaic. Seemingly meaningless or unrelated pieces are being carefully assembled to eventually reveal the totality of the circumstances

- the big picture.

  If you seek instant gratification – please go elsewhere.

 However, if you have been following this case, carefully study what is before you - on each page.

  If you're smart, you may find some gems here





TheFBI Behavioral Profile of the Anthrax Killer is accurate.

The Anthrax Mailer is indeed a "Lone Wolf" and is NOT connected with the Bio-Defense establishment;

that he is more a Theodore Kaczynski than an Osama Bin Ladin.

What may, at first, appear to be dated material - or old news, is re-examined for truths forgotten or dismissed.









 Who mailed the anthrax?



Monday, October 15, 2001

From wire service reports

"If the current anthrax scare is the handiwork of terrorists, they may be home-grown psychopaths like the Unabomber -- not a tightly organized ring.

The target total is too small, the methods too crude and the anthrax too unsophisticated to be part of a concerted attack by the same stripe of terrorists who planned the devastating Sept. 11 hijackings


Neither the cases in New York nor those in Florida look like full-blown bioterrorism," said anthrax expert Jeanne Guillemin, who investigated an accidental release of spores from a Soviet biological weapons lab in 1979. "It looks more like the Unabomber, a disgruntled individual who has it in for people."


For proof of their theories, she and others simply point to the numbers and the methods of operation. The events appeared to be isolated, apparently not spread through the rest of the buildings, and the anthrax samples appeared to be crude loads that didn't spread well or easily.


"There is no evidence that we should panic, or that America is under attack by anthrax." said Tony Cordesman, who specializes in Middle East terror tactics for the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.


The anthrax in New York and Florida, several experts pointed out, was not the fine powder form that infects quickly and was not genetically enhanced to resist antibiotics -- both basic alterations routinely done in countries that develop biological weapons, such as Iraq.


And delivering it by mail was amateurish. Applications to distribute it widely through the air would be more like a terrorist move, experts said.


Robert Ressler, a former FBI profiler who coined the term "serial killer" and helped put Unabomber Ted Kaczynski behind bars in 1996, said the cases sound way too familiar to him.


He said if someone purposefully sent the anthrax, he or she is more likely nursing a grudge against the media -- in the way Kaczynski hated technology -- or a mentally ill copycat seeking a thrill.


"The first thing I thought when I saw these things happen is that this is just some nut case," said Ressler. "I still think that. Terrorists who are doing something as dedicated as flying planes into the trade center, they wouldn't (bother) with American tabloids.


"I just don't think people like the terrorists we are after would bother with minutia like these incidents in Florida and New York," Ressler said. "The next time they do something, it will be significant. Not this."


Cordesman pointed out that well before Sept. 11, 2001 native-born American citizens made biological and chemical threats in the United States every year."


…..and letters marked Anthrax came in the mail.






If the heavily criticized FBI Behavioral Profile of the Killer-by-Anthrax is correct -

the Anthrax Mailer

is a renegade, lone wolf, disgruntled American scientist..........who lives in central New Jersey.


Loner Likely Sent Anthrax, FBI Says


WASHINGTON -- The FBI is increasingly convinced that the person behind the recent anthrax attacks is a lone wolf within the United States who has no links to terrorist groups but is an opportunist using the Sept. 11 hijackings to vent his rage, investigators said Friday.

Based on case studies, handwriting and linguistic analysis, forensic data and other evidence, authorities do not believe at this point in their five-week investigation that Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network was behind the anthrax attacks, FBI officials said.

Instead, FBI investigators said at a news briefing that they are probably looking for an adult male with at least limited scientific expertise who was able to use laboratory equipment easily obtained for as little as $2,500 to produce high-quality anthrax. FBI officials, in offering their most expansive public assessment to date of their probe, are hoping that the rough profile they have developed of the anthrax culprit could produce a redux of their 1996 capture of the infamous Unabomber.

In that case, an 18-year rampage of bombings led authorities to Theodore Kaczynski only after his brother recognized his writing style in a lengthy manifesto that was released publicly.

In the anthrax case, the FBI is hoping its portrait of the perpetrator--as an antisocial loner with some peculiar mannerisms in his handwriting and phrasing--will help lead them to whoever mailed at least three anthrax-laced letters and killed four people.

Authorities have offered $1.25 million in reward money, and leads from the public "will play an integral role perhaps in identifying this individual," said James R. Fitzgerald, an FBI profiler who worked on the Unabomber case.

Even as authorities sought the public's help, Homeland Security Director Thomas J. Ridge acknowledged at the White House on Friday that progress in the probe has been frustratingly slow. "We're still no closer to identifying specifically the origin of the anthrax and / or the perpetrators of that challenge that's confronted America," he said.

FBI officials acknowledge that psychological profiling, the stuff of "Silence of the Lambs," is at best a rough science and it is not used often in soliciting tips from the public. But they insist they may have some telltale signs to follow by combining histories of serial bombers such as Kaczynski with handwriting and chemical evidence from three anthrax-laced letters sent in September and October to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), NBC anchor Tom Brokaw and the New York Post.

Investigators suspect, for instance, that whoever mailed the anthrax has little contact with the public and carries deep-seated resentments but does not like direct confrontation.

The individual demonstrates the same tendencies as serial bombers, who "don't really enjoy face-to-face confrontation with someone to iron out a problem. They choose to do it long-distance," Fitzgerald said.

All three letters were postmarked from Trenton, N.J., but postal officials indicated Friday that they no longer believe the letters were mailed from a residential postal route in Ewing, N.J., just outside the Trenton city limits.

They have broadened their search to a wider region in the Trenton area, but FBI officials said there is no assurance that whoever mailed the anthrax letters had any direct connection to that area. Fitzgerald noted that Kaczynski traveled 1,500 miles by bus from Montana to San Francisco in order to send several explosive packages.

Investigators believe the anthrax attacker had at least a limited background in science, is perhaps someone with a doctorate, a lab technician "or somewhere in between," Fitzgerald said.

"He's shown us he knows anthrax," said an FBI supervisor who spoke on condition of anonymity. And forensic analysis indicates that the anthrax in the Oct. 9 letter sent to Daschle was much more highly refined than what was contained in the two letters sent to the media Sept. 18, officials said.

That refinement process would require only "basic laboratory equipment"--including a microscope, a centrifuge and a milling device. The equipment would be available in many labs or could be purchased for as little as $2,500, officials said. "You could do it on a shoestring," the FBI supervisor said.

FBI investigators said they are tracking recent purchases of milling and other equipment and are also curious about whether the mailing of the three letters on Tuesdays--Sept. 18 and Oct. 9--could indicate something about the attacker's work schedule or access to a lab. But investigators said the relative ease of getting the processing equipment--and the lack of information about what labs and research centers even possess anthrax--have hindered their efforts.

Although early speculation indicated the highly refined strain of anthrax could only have been produced by labs in the United States, Iraq or Russia, investigators now believe "it could be from anywhere," one senior FBI official said.

Investigators are not ruling out overseas possibilities, but current evidence points to "no direct or clear linkage" to any known terrorist cells, Fitzgerald said. That would mean it was not linked to Bin Laden, Iraq's Saddam Hussein or other Middle Easterners with known interest in bioterrorism.

One sign leading investigators away from the prospect of an Islamic fundamentalist is the use of the phrase "Allah is great" to close all three letters. Fitzgerald said the phrasing and the absence of Arabic text do not jibe with past terrorist attacks, and he suggested the author may have been trying to falsely cast suspicion on Middle Easterners.

All three notes also began with the date "09-11-01." But again, Fitzgerald said there is a strong possibility the attacker was hiding behind the date of the Sept. 11 hijackings as subterfuge. The attacker appears to be "an opportunist [who] took advantage" of the mayhem surrounding the hijackings to pursue his own agenda, Fitzgerald said.

The pattern of evidence points to a home-grown terrorist, investigators said. "We're certainly looking in that direction right now as far as someone domestic," the FBI supervisor said.

The FBI is also hoping that oddities in the three letters, which authorities released last month, could jog the memory of someone else who has gotten a letter from the same author. The letters were written in distinctive block lettering with a downward slope, for instance, and the author used distinctive "1" numerals, along with dashes to write the "09-11-01" date instead of slashes, investigators noted. The author spelled penicillin incorrectly in the line "take penacilin now," but Fitzgerald said this may have been an attempt to falsely "dumb down" the letter to throw investigators off the trail.

Postal authorities on Friday also revised their assessment of how a Hamilton, N.J., letter carrier may have contracted anthrax.

The FBI then believed Teresa Heller, 45, had probably handled one of the anthrax-laced letters. But once no anthrax spores were found at the small West Trenton postal branch where Heller worked, authorities were forced to reexamine the theory.

While anthrax hot spots have continued to be found at outlying New Jersey postal facilities, officials blamed the findings on cross-contamination and said the discoveries have been of little help in the investigation.

Times staff writers Edwin Chen, Robert A. Rosenblatt and Robin Wright in Washington and Janet Wilson in New York contributed to this report.


(C) 2002 2004 TruthSayer

Also See: The Ricin Soultion

Steven Hatfill: An Anthrax Victim





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