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Noah Bourque
Noah's First Birthday
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And then one day, Noah just started crawling.
(Well what did you expect, you can't really show "crawling" in a still picture!)


Noah also took to rocking in his very special little chair. . .
And he even started sharing his food. You wouldn't believe just how hard he laughed at this--he thought this was the funniest thing ever!
June 19th was Noah's first birthday, and all the grandparents (and a great grandma and an auntie) came to our house to celebrate. Noah had all the guys in stitches.
The ladies were only slightly more reserved.
Noah had lots of presents, but like any 1 year old, the ribbons were much more exciting than a bunch of boxes sitting around.
Oh look! Some more ribbons!!!
Can you have too much of a good thing? Survey says, "yes."
Noah gots lots of cool toys, books and clothes. He even got his ark and all the animals. He was a little confused when we call the little bald figure on the boat "Noah."
Even with all those great toys, sometimes it's the simple things that are the best. This balloon was the A#1 favorite toy for 4 days straight.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)After presents, it was time for cake. We had a little miscue and blew out the candle before singing, but he didn't exactly pull the "well, on my LAST birthday, you guys sang THEN blew out the candle" on us.
At first, he really didn't know what to think, so he kind of picked at it a little bit with his little (but very accurate) pincer fingers.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)It didn't take long, though, before the icing was where it should be on his birthday: all over his face, his fingers, his elbows, his hair, his mommy. The shirt, however, stayed remarkably clean.
After a full day of recovery from the cake and excitement, Noah went to local Fox Run Park for some R&R with Grammy and Grandpa Bourque. He got to feed the big fishies, what fun!
Grandpa makes a good horsey. Noah was so delighted, he was giving us his now-famous "snorts of joy."
That Wednesday, Grammy and Grandpa took off for an overnight trip to Crested Butte, Colorado as a late celebration for their 34th wedding anniversary. That day, we got word that Angie's grandpa Jack was in the hospital in Montrose, Colorado with pneumonia. He and grandma Betty had come all the way from Oregon to visit family in Montrose and Colorado Springs, but they couldn't come any further. So, we went to them!


As only God could plan it, Crested Butte is only about 90 miles from Montrose, so instead of coming back to the Springs, Grammy and Grandpa B met us in Montrose. Noah got to meet Grandpa Jack in the hospital, and we were also able to spend some time exploring the area.
The areas surrounding Montrose are beautiful! This is cascade falls in Ouray, Colorado. . .
This picture is for anyone out there who thinks the people were in the way of the scenery in the last shot. . . please don't identify yourself, just enjoy the scenery.
Montrose is also home to the magnificent Black Canyon of the Gunnison, a 1,500 foot deep gorge which is renowned for being the most narrow and steep canyon for its immense size.
Grandpa Jack was recovering and out of the hospital by the end of the week, so we all enjoyed a good time of family history and story-telling. Noah thought the stories were good, but the oxygen tube was even more entertaining.
Angie's parents arrived the morning we left, so we took the opportunity to get a four-generation family photo.  From the left: Betty Edwards, Jack Edwards, Kerri Edwards, Angie Bourque, Marsha Edwards, Dean Edwards, Noah Bourque and Dan Bourque.

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