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Summer and Fall 2005

It's been nearly 9 months since we posted anything other than Dan's trip to Russia, so here's our attempt to get caught up and back on track. . .

Remember this kid?  This was one week after his first birthday when Grammy and Granpda were in town. Swings are still a favorite!

July 1st brought Dan's promotion to Major in the Air Force. This is Lieutenant Colonel Jim Wolf, one of Dan's former commanders, administering the Oath of Office.

It was Dan's day, but Noah stole the show.

Just 5 days later, Dan actually separated from active duty and became a full-time officer in the Air Force Reserve. That means we should stay in Colorado for a good while.

Noah spent much of the summer at the swimming pool. He's not exactly a tadpole, but he sure likes splashing around. He wasn't any closer to walking at this point than he was to swimming.

Great Aunt Denise came to visit at the end of July, and we had a great time exploring Garden of the Gods.

Denise sure loved spending time with the dude.

August now, and we're a little closer to walking. He wanted those first steps to be out on the 10-foot high deck. . . we didn't share the share the same opinion.

Noah's great aunt and uncle, Brian and Peggy, got him a red wagon for his birthday, and he figured out the proper riding position right away.

We're not really sure what this pose was, but it was pretty stylin'!

Still no walking steps, but step steps were a big hit! Noah spent a lot of time practicing going up and down the bottom three steps.

Jeff and Kelly visited in September, and the pool was still nice-and-warm. In the past two months, he'd graduated from crawling to standing with help to climbing stairs to standing on his own. It was great he took his first fully witnessed and verifiable steps (Dan saw him once before but that didn't have 2 witnesses) in front of all four of us.

Friends of the Bourque family, Bill and Donna Wilting from Kansas City, stopped by one afternoon to meet Noah and introduce us to their little daughter, Sienna. Noah enjoyed the music and spent most of his time dancing (when he wasn't flirting with Sienna).

September is a beautiful time in Colorado, so we took everyone up to "the Crags" near Cripple Creek.

t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Enjoying the evening!

t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Among his other hobbies, Noah fancies himself an artist. The first skill he tried to master was the old "three crayons at once" trick. This was about the last time we saw him sitting still. . .

t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Soon Noah was walking everywhere. It was like he'd stalled until he had mastered it, because within 2 weeks of his first steps, he looked like he'd been doing it since he was born. Even though it was getting too cool for the pool, water was still great fun.

t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Our little birdie. . .

t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Did we mention September is beautiful in Colorado? Just an hour down the road, there's a large apple and pumkin farm, and we took advantage of it. Every once-and-a-while, Dan would hold an apple over his shoulder within tooth range, and Noah would take a little chunk out.

Noah is a man of many different hats. . .

. . . but this is the one he likes best. Daddy's flight suit is a lot of fun when he gets home from work--Noah loves to pull off the velcro patches and stick them on in the wrong spots.

Some things, you just don't have to teach little boys. How to play with rocks, sand and trucks is instinctual. He would scoop up huge fistfuls of sand and throw them into the dumptruck. This was fun to watch right up to the point where he put the fistful of sand right into his mouth!

In October, Angie took Noah to see the grandparents in Georgia. By this time, "Grammy" had undergone a name change to "Mimi" courtesy of Noah. Noah had a great time running around the yard with Idget the furmonster.

Mimi and Grandpa took Noah to the state fair where he got to pet a lot of animals.

For some reason, he preferred digging in the flowerpots.

He wasn't so sure of this "ride the big dog" thing.

Back home. . . this picture just kind of speaks for itself.

Fall ended with the eruption of Mount Pikesuvius. . .

Click Here to See Dan's Trip to Russia

Click Here to See Christmastime 2005


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