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Christmastime 2005

Look at all this white sand I can put in my dumptruck!

December 19th was Noah's 18-monthiversary of his birthday suit. He celebrated by informing us he was a "nekedboy."

November was pretty quiet once Dan got back from Russia. Noah was slowly learning to use utensils. . . but not on this day. We spent Thanksgiving in town with Angie's parents and a lot of friends.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your. . . ribbons?

Yup! We still love eachother.

We celebrated Christmas with Angie's family because we were leaving town. Noah made out like a bandit, and daddy had a great time putting all his, 'er I mean Noah's, toys together.

Noah realized he had some pretty big boots to fill if he was going to keep up with Daddy's toybuilding.

On Christmas eve, we flew into Atlanta to see Mimi and Grandpa. Mimi was nice. . .

. . . Grandpa was not-so-nice.

Lauren was in from Covenant College, and Jeff and Kelly drove down Christmas day, so we celebrated Christmas a little later than most. Noah enjoyed the dinner!

Lauren is amazingly talented and creative! She knit everyone their own scarf for Christmas. The girls scarves were her own design with hand pockets sewn into the ends. When Kelly wore hers shopping a few days later, she had several people comment on her scarf and ask where they could get one!

Obligatory family Christmas photo

On the 27th, the house swelled even more when the rest of the Bourque clan, Grandma Fae, Denise, Brian, Peggy, Tim and Paul, came in from Virginia.

This occasion called for a celebration via accordion! The amazing thing is how good Grandpa can play after not having touched it in two years.

Even bigger family Christmas photo (Noah is taking the picture)

Click Here to See the New House

Click Here to See Springtime 2006

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