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Noah Bourque
In the Hospital
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t19jun04newmommy.jpg (10803 bytes)Now that the birth was over, we settled in for our 48-hour stay in the hospital. Noah was born at Evans US Army Community Hospital, Ft Carson, CO. When we first learned we'd be getting care from the Army, we cringed, but we had a great experience and would choose them first next time.
t19jun04firsthold.jpg (10596 bytes)Once the three of us got to our room, we discovered it was a room with a view. Have we told you we love Colorado?
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Noah slept well that first day. Many of you will recognize this picture because it flew around e-mail for a while.
t19jun04prouddadtiredmom.jpg (11081 bytes)After a little sleep, Dan and Angie were ready to try this parenthood thing out. This isn't so bad!
t19jun041218birth.jpg (10466 bytes)Wish we could say the same for the hospital food. Umm, prune juice! The quote which goes with this one is "what is this?"
t18jun04labor.jpg (11165 bytes)The former Dean and Marsha, now Grandma and Grandpa Edwards, brought supplemental food. Oh yeah, and they came to see their new Grandson.

t19jun04newgrandmae.jpg (10971 bytes)Noah didn't get put down much those first few days. Grandma Marsha may have had something to do with that.

t19jun04firsthold.jpg (10596 bytes)Don't know exactly when this picture was taken, but it was NOT the night of the 19th/20th. There was little sleep to be had for any of us as the poor little dude struggled through his first gas pains. Luckily, we haven't had a night like that since.
t19jun04newmommy.jpg (10803 bytes)It's amazing what a couple long naps and a shower will do. This is our first family photo.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Both Dan and Angie got plenty of opportunities to be parents because he only left our side for a few minutes at a time--no mass nurseries. Our second day there was Father's Day, and we couldn't think of a more memorable way to spend it. Judging by the color of his face, I think he's working on a "present."
t19jun04firsthold.jpg (10596 bytes)Once our 48 hours were up, they finally let us go. Here's little Noah all bundled up for his first trip out into the rest of the world. Even though it was June, it was in the 50s, windy and rainy--he didn't mind.

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