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Noah Bourque
Labor and Delivery
(Click on the images for larger picture)

t18jun04waiting.jpg (11116 bytes)It all started with a "routine" appointment on the 18th of June. Angie was at 41 weeks (that's one week overdue for you guys out there), so they did an ultrasound to see how things were going. Baby was doing great, but the fluid level was getting low, so they decided to induce labor. This is about 5 pm when contractions were just getting started. We settled in for what we anticipated to be a loooong night. It didn't take too long for things to heat up, though. At 8:00 pm, Angie's water broke and the real contractions set in.

t18jun04labor.jpg (11165 bytes)Dan and Marsha (Angie's Mom) teamed up to coach and massage. At 10:00 pm, the contractions were intense, but Angie was only 6 cm dialated. Usually, it's still 4+ hours from this point until 10 cm when she could start pushing, but God got her from 6 to 10 cm in 30 minutes flat! Angie did the whole labor without pain medication--Dan was very impressed and proud!
t19jun041218birth.jpg (10466 bytes)After 90 minutes of hard pushing, our little boy was born! He did just what he was supposed to; he cried and cried! (Don't tell anyone, but so did Daddy Dan).

Noah Scott Bourque

Born: 12:18 AM, June 19th, 2004
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

t19jun04prouddadtiredmom.jpg (11081 bytes)Just minutes after delivery, the nurse handed the boy off to Daddy. Mom was still recovering from the labor, but doing well.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)They whisked him away to the next room to poke and prod until they were satisfied he was okay. It's a good thing we had a name in mind, otherwise, he'd have been "Raisin Conehead Bourque" (RC for short). It didn't matter what he looked like, we were as amazed, thankful and full of joy as we could be!
t19jun04firsthold.jpg (10596 bytes)It took a while for them to wheel Mom in, and she hadn't gotten to hold him yet--that was tough! It was at this point we named him "Noah Scott Bourque." Noah because we wanted a Biblical name that indicated someone set-apart and Scott after Dan's brother, Jeffrey Scott Bourque.
t19jun04newmommy.jpg (10803 bytes)Mom and Noah in the recovery room--love at first sight!
t19jun04newgrandmae.jpg (10971 bytes)Marsha, Angie's mom and now proud Grandma, was there every step of the way--she was an incredible help during labor


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