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Noah Bourque
Visitors from Georgia
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On July 11th, the Bourque's from Georgia flew in to meet their new Grandson (and nephew).  After three weeks of unbearable waiting, the first meeting was quite emotional!
Grandma Bourque (who shall hitherto forth be called "Grammy") had a tough time putting the little guy down--can you blame her?
Okay, Grammy, you've got to share with everyone. (The fact that these three pictures were all taken within a couple of hours of eachother might give you an appreciation for how many clothes Noah goes through in a day. . . amazing.)
In a moment of genius, Grandpa Lee distracted Grammy with the old "Look. . . over there!" trick and snatched Noah for a moment.
Next was Auntie Lauren's turn, but only after her desperate plea "but I don't know how to hold a baby!"
Noah's thinking, "hmm, maybe she really doesn't know how to hold a baby."
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)It didn't take long, though, and Lauren was a pro!
We caught him in rare moment where somebody wasn't holding him--if only those arms were just 2 inches longer!
Well, that didn't last long.
On July 15th, Noah finally got his first REAL bath! The water was quite a novelty at first (as seen here), but after 3 minutes, he decided all-of-a-sudden he wanted out of there!
We just can't get over just how cute this picture is! He's quite photogenic, wouldn't you say?
And yet another first. He found his thumb! If he's anything like his daddy, it'll be years until that thing finally gets unstuck.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)The title for this one is "par for the course." I'm giving Grammy a hard time, but she really did share--honest!
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Life without Noah in her arms was too boring for Grammy, so she decided to dig up all the clover we worked so hard to plant in our flower beds.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)That night, Dan and his dad tried their best to make pancakes--well, if it didn't look like pancakes, at least it tasted like pancakes. . .

Click Here to see the next chapter, "Noah's Dedication"

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