Mahesh T.S.



Name            : T S Mahesh

Designation  : Asst. Professor

Qualification: Master of Engineering (Machine Design)


ME Dissertation work (2006):


                        “Vibration characteristics of piezoelectric transducer”



Piezoelectricity is one of the phenomena of nature that makes possible the changing of one form  of  energy to another  form - in   this  case  mechanical  motion  is  converted  into an electric  potential.  By   definition, piezo-electricity  is  the  electricity (electric charge) generated in a  material  when  mechanical  pressure is  applied to it. The opposite effect  also occurs;  the material  changes its physical  shape  when an electric charge is applied.  These two basic effects are the foundation of piezoelectricity. 


All materials  found in nature are not  piezoelectric; only those materials lacking a center of symmetry on the atomic scale can be piezoelectric. Examples of piezoelectric materials include quartz, Rochelle salt, and lead -- titanate – zirconate ceramics.


One of the major applications of piezoelectricity is in transducers. A transducer is any device that converts mechanical energy into a corresponding electrical signal. It may also work in the opposite direction, changing electrical to mechanical energy. One of the common applications of piezoelectric transducers is in the measurement and analysis of vibrations characteristics of engineering structures.

The major objectives of the current project work are:

1.      To carryout a compressive literature survey on piezoelectricity, piezoelectric materials and their  applications;

2.      To provide an over view of Finite Element Method (FEM) in structural analysis;

3.      To develop an FEM model and study vibration characteristics of a piezoelectric transducer and

4.      To compare FEM results with published results.


Finite Element techniques will be used in the analysis. The front-end commercial software ANSYS   with its  coupled  field analysis  capabilities   will be adopted.  The FEM mesh will be generated   using   SOLID5 element    and   analysis   technique   used   will  be Reduced (Householder) method.


Some important results of the research investigations:


Contact Details:


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department

Kalpataru Institute of Technology

Tiptur 572202

Tumkar District



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