Dr. K. S. Shivakumar Aradhya
Research Publications / Conference Papers/Technical Reports
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S.
and Lakshmi Narayana, Y., “Study of Stress-Stiffening Effect on the Dynamic Response of
Fan-Disc Assembly of a Fighter Aircraft Engine", Proc., 56th Congress of the Indian
Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-56) (An Internal
Meet), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surath 395007,
Gujarath, India, December 19-21, 2011, pp. 229-233.
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “A Comparative Study on the Performance Capabilities of k-e and k-w Models in the Evaluation of Drag
Coefficient for a Projectile”,
Proc., 55th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
(ISATM-55) (An Internal Meet), National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur,
Himachal Pradesh, India, December 18-21, 2010, pp. 249-254.
K., Senthil Kumar, M. and Shivakumar
Aradhya K. S., “Strain
Energy Release Rate (SEER) for an Edge Crack at the Bi-Material Interface in an
Orthotropic Plate Subjected to Uniform Axial Traction”, International J. of Engg. Research &
Industrial Applications (IJERIA), ISSN 0974-1518, Vol.3, No. II, May 2010, pp
Kumar, C. and Shivakumar Aradhya K. S.,
“Vibration Characteristics of
a Building Structure with Smart Material Alloy Damping in the Non-transforming
Regions Subjected to Seismic Excitation”, Journal of Intelligent System Research (JISR), Vol. 2, No. 1,
January-June 2008, pp 73-81.
B.S., H.B. Niranjan, H.B. and Shivakumar
Aradhya K. S., “Tensile
and Wear Behaviour of Aluminum In situ Composites”, Proc., SAMPE ‘07 (Exhibition and
Conference Focusing on Advanced Materials and Processes), June 3 - 7, 2007,
T. S., Govindaraju, N. and Shivakumar
Aradhya K. S., “Dynamic Characteristics of Piezoelectric Transducer – A
Coupled Field Finite Element Analysis", Proc., 51st Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-51) (An Internal Meet), College of
Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003, Andhra Pradesh, India,
December 18-21, 2006, pp. 249-256.
V., Ganesh Kumar, R. and Shivakumar
Aradhya, K. S. “Stress
Intensity Factor for Radial Crack around Solid Cylinders Subjected to Axial
Loading -- A Parametric Study using Boundary Element Method", Proc., 51st Congress of the Indian
Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-51) (An Internal Meet),
College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003, Andhra
Pradesh, India, December 18-21, 2006, pp. 274-281.
K., Ganesh Kumar, R. and Shivakumar
Aradhya, K. S. “Energy
Release Rate (SERR) for an Edge Crack at the Bi-material Interface in an
Orthotropic Plate subjected to Pure Bending Load", Paper presented in the 51st Congress of
the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-51) (An Internal
Meet), to be held at College of Engineering, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam 530003, Andhra Pradesh, India during December 218-21, 2006.
Anil Kumar, C. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., "A Parametric Study of the Vibration
Characteristics of a Structural Building Subjected to Seismic Excitation using
Finite Element Method", Proc.,
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, December 1-3,
2006, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering
College, Fatehgarh Sahib 140407, Punjab, India, pp. 128-133 (Module I).
Shivakumar, B. P. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “A Critical Review of Analytical Methods
used for the Evaluation of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Praticulate
Reinforced Composite Materials”, Proc., International Conference on: Global Manufacturing and
Innovation (GMI 2006) (An Advanced Optimization Technology Approach) July 27 -
29, 2006, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 641014, Tamil
Nadu, India (Jointly with University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA), pp. 77.
Anil Kumar, C. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., "Effect of Shape Memory Alloy Braces
on the Vibration Characteristics of Frame Structure -- An FEM Study", Proc., International Conference &
Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies
(TEAM TECH 2006), 28 February - 2 March 2006, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India.
Shivakumar, B. P. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Effect of Temperature on Mechanical and
Thermal Properties of Ti-64/SiCf MMC system with varying Volume Fraction -- An
FEM Investigation”, Proc.,
National Conference on Engineering Trends in Thermal Engineering, Competitive
Manufacturing and Management (TECM 2006) January 30 - 31, 2006, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai 600119,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Hemanth, D., Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., Ramamurthy,
T. S., and Govindaraju N., "Strain
Energy Release Rates for an Interface Crack in Orthotropic Media with Large
Crack-tip Contact Zone -- A Finite Element Investigation", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, (An
Elsevier Publication), Vol. 72, 2005, pp. 759-772.
Click the link: doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2004.06.002
for ABSTRACT (Elsevier Publication)
Shivakumar, B. P. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Finite Element Method in the Evaluation
of Elastic Moduli for Magnesium Based Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix
Composites”, Proc., National
Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (NCRACM-2005),
18-19, February 2005, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India,
pp. 126-136.
Shankar Reddy, R. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., "Evaluation of Effective Elastic
Modulus for SiC/SiC CMC System without Crack using Finite Element Method”, Proc., National Conference on Recent
Advances in Composite Materials (NCRACM-2005),18-19, February 2005,
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India, pp. 160-172.
Shankar Reddy, R. and
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Al2O3/SiC CMC System with Cracks at
Elevated Temperatures -- An FEM Study", Proc., Second National Conference Mechanical Engineering,
(NATCON.ME-2005), 11 &12 March 2005, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagaram 571511, Karnataka,
India, pp. 62-67.
Anil Kumar, C. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., "Smart Materials Verses Conventional
Materials in Biomedical Application Especially in Articular Surface
Replacement", Proc., National
Conference on Computational Methods in Mechanical Engineering (COMPUTIME),
September 16-17, 2005, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College
of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500007, India, pp. 125-129.
Sudheer, M., Shankar Reddy,
R. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Evaluation of Apparent Elastic Moduli
for Mulite/Alumina Ceramic Matrix Composite using Finite Element Method”, Proc., 50th Congress of the Indian
Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-50) (An Internal Meet),
14-17 December 2005, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, pp.
Kuberappa, D. J.,
Keerthiprasad K. S. and Shivakumar
Aradhya, K. S., “Stress
Intensity Factor for a Centrally Located Penny-Shaped Crack Surrounding a
Spherical Cavity in a Cylinder Subjected to Axial Load”, Proc., 50th Congress of the Indian
Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-50), (An Internal
Meet),14-17 December 2005, Indian Institute of Technology,
Anil Kumar, C., Ashok Kumar,
C. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., "Characteristics of singular stress
field around a crack in a smart material - A finite element study", Proc., 50th Congress of the Indian
Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-50) (An Internal Meet),
14-17 December 2005, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Vinod, M. B. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., "Validation of Halpin-Tsai and
Nielson empirical relations for composite materials using finite element
method" (CM1), Proc.,
50th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
(ISATM-50) (An Internal Meet), 14-17 December 2005, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur, India.
Shankar Reddy, R., Lokesh M.
R. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Evaluation of Effective Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion for Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite using Finite
Element Method”, Proc.,
National Conference Mechanical Engineering, (NATCON.ME-2004), 12-13 March 2004,
M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.
Mangesh, C., Nadkarni and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “On the Influence of Elastic Constants in
a Line Contact Problem”, Proc.,
National Conference Mechanical Engineering, NATCON.ME-2004), 12-13 March 2004,
M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology,
Deepak, H. D. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Stress Intensity Factor for a Central
Crack in an infinite Plate subjected to symmetrically applied inplane multiple
point loads on either side of crack plane”, (FM-C70), Proc.,
International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity (ICASI-2004), July
14-17, 2004, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Shivakumar, B. P. and
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S.,
“Evaluation of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Fiber Reinforced Metal
Matrix Composite System using Finite Element Method”, Proc., National Conference on Advances
in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (NACAMES-04) 24th and 25th Sept. 2004, Sri
Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur, (Karnataka State), India.
Vijayakumar, S. M. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Pre-stress effects on the Vibration
Characteristics of a Connecting Rod of an IC Engine”, Proc., National Conference on Advances
in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (NACAMES-04) 24th and 25th Sept. 2004, Sri
Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur, (Karnataka State), India.
Shankar Reddy, R.,
Shivakumar M. R. and Shivakumar Aradhya,
K. S., “Evaluation of
Effective Elastic Modulus for Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite using
Finite Element Method”, Proc.,
National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Sciences
(NACAMES-04), 24th and 25th Sept. 2004, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology,
Tumkur, (Karnataka State), India.
Raghavendra, B. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Stress Concentration Around Off-Set
Circular Cut-Outs in Skew Plates Subjected to Inplane Loading – An
Investigation Using Boundary Element Method”, Proc., National Conference on Advances in Mechanical
Engineering Sciences (NACAMES-04), 24th and 25th Sept. 2004, Sri Siddhartha
Institute of Technology, Tumkur, (Karnataka State), India.
Shivakumar, B. P. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Elastic Moduli of Ti/Kevlar-49 Metal
Matrix Composite System with Cracks — A Finite Element Study”, Proc., International Conference &
Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies
(TEAM TECH 2004), 2-4 November 2004, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Shankar Reddy, R.,
Shivakumar M. R. and Shivakumar Aradhya,
K. S., “Evaluation of
Effective Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix
Composite with Cracks using FEM”, Proc., International Conference & Exhibition on Total
Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing Technologies (TEAM TECH 2004), 2-4
November 2004, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Shivakumar, B. P. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Elastic Moduli for Al 6061/SiCf Metal
Matrix Composite System — A Finite Element Study”, Proc., National Conference on Mechanical
Engineering Design (DESCON - 2004, 19th-20th November 2004, M.S. Ramaiah
Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, pp. 15-20.
Shankar Reddy, R. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Thermal Effect on Effective Elastic
Moduli for Al2O3/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite System with varying crack densities
— An FEM Investigation”,
Proc., National Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design (DESCON - 2004,
19th - 20th November 2004, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore,
India, pp. 27-33.
Shivakumar, B. P. and Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., “Evaluation of Effective Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion of Ti/Kevlar MMC System with Crack using Axisymmetric FEM
Modeling Approach”, (CM-04),
Proc., 49th Internal Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-49),
27-30 December 2004, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India, pp.
Shankar Reddy, R.,
Shivakumar M. R. and Shivakumar Aradhya,
K. S., “Evaluation of
Effective Elastic Modulus for Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite with
Cracks using FEM”, (CM-05),
Proc., 49th Internal Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-49),
(An Internal Meet), 27-30 December 2004, National Institute of Technology,
Rourkela, India, pp. 233-245.
Hemanth, D., Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., and
Govindaraju N., "Singular
Stress Field around an Edge Delamination in Angle Ply Symmetric Composites -- A
Finite Element Investigation ", Paper presented at 47th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-47), held at Indian Institute of Technology,
Guwahati, India, during 19-22, 2002.
Venkata Rama Reddy, M., Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., and Govindaraju
N., "Development of an
Expert System for the Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factors", Paper presented at 47th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-47), held at Indian
Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India, during 19-22, 2002.
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., Hemanth, D. Santhosh, D. and Govindaraju N., "An Expert System for the use of
Maximum Shear Stress Theory of Plastic Failure for Fiber Reinforced Composite
Materials", Proc., 46th
Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-46),
19-22 December 2001, Department of Mechanical, Civil & Applied Science,
Regional Engineering College, Hamirpur 177005, Himachala Pradesh, India,
pp. 19-27.
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., Venkatarama Reddy, M. and Govindaraju N., "An Expert System for Design against
Fracture of Low and High Strength Materials", Proc., 46th Congress of Indian Society of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISATM-46), 19-22 December 2001, Department
of Mechanical, Civil & Applied Science, Regional Engineering College,
Hamirpur 177005, Himachala Pradesh, India, pp. 10-18.
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., A.P. Haran and K Ramachandra, "Design analysis of convergent petal
for CD-Nozzle of an Aero Gas Turbine", Proc., 5th National Conference on Air
Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion (NCABE
2000), DRDL, Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh, India, Dec. 21 to 23, 2000, pp. 509-519.
K. S. S. Aradhya, "DESIGN
DOCUMENT NO. 2: Design Analysis of Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Mechanism",
SIMA Division, G.T.R.E.,
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., A.P. Haran and K Ramachandra, "Ceramic Matrix Composites in the
design and development of Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Components”, Paper presented at the seminar on 'High
Temperature Materials for Aerospace Applications', held at National Aerospace
Laboratories, Bangalore, India during September 18-19, 1998.
Shivakumar Aradhya, K. S., M Rudra Goud, S K Patel, N. Leela and K Ramachandra, "Mechanical Design of Bypass Casing
for Aero Gas Turbine", Proc., 4th National Conference on Air Breathing
Engines and Aerospace Propulsion (NCABE 98), Indian Institute
of Science, Bangalore, India, Dec. 3 to 5, 1998, pp MA-44 to
Press here to
see the full text of the paper: FULL TEXT
Aradhya, K. S. S., "Interim
Report on: `Design Analysis and Optimization of C-D Nozzle Components", SIMA Division, G.T.R.E.,
Mruthyunjaya, T. S., Suresh,
S. and Aradhya, K. S. S., "Development of Software for Analysis
and Design of Flap Actuation Linkage for the Axisymmetric C-D Nozzle of Kaveri
Engine", Design
Document of IISc-GTRE Consultancy Project, August 1995.
Aradhya, K. S. S. and M.K. Surappa, "Estimation of Mechanical Properties of 6061
Al-SiCp composites using Finite Element Method", Scripta METALLURGICA et
MATERIALIA, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1991, pp. 817-822.
Click the link:
doi:10.1016/0956-716X(91)90231-O for ABSTRACT (Elsevier Publication)
Aradhya, K. S. S. and M.K. Surappa, "Effect of inter particle spacing on the mechanical
behavior of Al-SiCp composites – a Finite Element Analysis", Paper presented at the
International Conference on Aluminum (INCAL-91) held at Hotel West End,
Bangalore, India during 31 Jul-2 Aug 1991.
B. Kenney, E.A. Patterson, M
Said and Aradhya, K. S. S., "Contact stress distributions
in a turbine disc dovetail type joint -- a
comparison of photoelastic and finite element results", STRAIN, Vol. 27, No. 1, February 1991,
pp. 21-24.
Srivatsava M. Sharma, Aradhya, K. S. S., and L.S. Srinath, "Stress Intensity Factors for arbitrarily
oriented cracks in cylindrical shells under axial pull and torsion a parametric
analysis", Proc.,
Internal conference on Advances in Structural Testing, Analysis and
Design (ICSTAD) held at Hotel Ashok, Bangalore, India during
July 29 - August 3, 1990.
B. Kenney, E.A. Patterson
and Aradhya, K. S. S., "Photoelastic analysis of dovetail
joints for turbine blades", Proc., Conference on Applied Stress Analysis held at
the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, N67 2RD, ENGLAND,
during August 30-31, 1990.
K. S. S. Aradhya, B. N. Ravikumar and N. Govindaraju, "On the stress concentration around off-set circular
cut-outs in skew plates subjected to in-plane loading -- A photoelastic
analysis", Proc., 35th
Congress of ISTAM,
K. Badarinarayana and Aradhya, K. S. S., "On the
investigation of singular stress field around cracks in annulii
subjected to diametrical tension", ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS,
Vol. 33, No. 3, 1989, pp. 437-443.
Click the link:
doi:10.1016/0013-7944(89)90093-3 for ABSTRACT (Elsevier Publication)
Aradhya, K. S. S., K. Badarinarayana and L.S. Srinath, "Mixed-Mode stress intensity
factors for arbitrarily oriented cracks in cylindrical shells
under axial pull and torsion", ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, Vol. 33, No. 3, 1989, pp.
Click the link: doi:10.1016/0013-7944(89)90094-5 for ABSTRACT (Elsevier Publication)
Aradhya, K. S. S., Kenney, B. and Patterson, E. N., "A preliminary photoelastic investigation of T-head
model", (Rolls-Royce
Brochure No. PVE6-36D, Brochure Title: An investigation into
the stresses associated with the compressor and turbine blade/disc contact
flanks), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield,
Aradhya, K. S. S., Kenney, B. and Patterson, E. N., "Further investigations
on T-head model -- Stress analysis around contact zone in models with 0
deg and 45 deg flank angles", (Rolls-Royce Brochure No. PVE6-36D, Brochure Title: An
investigation into the stresses associated with the compressor and turbine
blade/disc contact flanks), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of
Aradhya, K. S. S., Kenney, B. and Patterson, E. N., "Further investigations on T-head model -- Stress
analysis around contact zone in models with 35 deg and 45 deg flank
angles", (Rolls-Royce
Brochure No. PVE6-36D, Brochure Title: An investigation into the stresses
associated with the compressor and turbine blade/disc contact flanks), Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield,
Aradhya, K. S. S., Kenney, B. and Patterson, E. N., "Stress distribution around the fillet and contact zone
in turbine and compressor blade/disc fixings -- a parametric analysis", (Rolls-Royce Brochure No. PVE6-36D,
Brochure Title: An investigation into the stresses associated with the
compressor and turbine blade/disc contact flanks), Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, The University of Sheffield,
Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinath, L.S., "Stress distribution around a surface crack ? A scattered-light
photoelastic investigation", ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1986, pp 497-501.
Aradhya, K. S. S., "Failure analysis
of hitch structures on the scraper (C229F/H), bottom dumper
(3032, 3040, C and CM) and electric crane(CM20)", GTS-FA-86-01, GTS Group, R and D, BEML,
Venkatesan, G., Brahmaiah,
K. and Aradhya, K. S. S., “Strength Evaluation of Modified
Horse Collar-Structure of LW-35", GTS-SA-86-01, GW group, R and D, BEML, K.G.F.,
Aradhya, K. S. S., "Report on
the design modification of body structure of LW-50
Halpacks", GW-DA-87-01,
GW group, R and D, BEML, K.G.F.,
Aradhya, K. S. S., Srinivasa Murthy, N. and Srinath, L.S., "Influence of Elastic Constants on
Mode I stress-intensity factors in three-dimensional crack
problems", ENGINEERING
FRACTURE MECHANICS, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1985, pp. 939-950.
Click the link: doi:10.1016/0013-7944(85)90034-7 for ABSTRACT (Elsevier Publication)
Srinath, L.S., Aradhya, K. S. S., and Ravi, K. K., "Analysis of a line contact
problem using scattered-light photoelasticity", Proc., Tenth Canadian
Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM-85), Univ. of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada, June 2-7, 1985, pp. A301-A302.
Srinath, L.S. and Aradhya, K. S. S., "Experimental investigations in
fracture mechanics problems", Proc., Internal Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM)
Anil Kumar, Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinath, L. S., "Photoelastic technique in the study
of wear phenomenon",
Proc., National Conference on Machines & Mechanisms (NACOMM-85), Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Feb.19-21,1985, pp.194-200.
Badarinarayana, K., Aradhya, K. S. S., and Rameshaiah, M.
S., "Stress-intensity
factors for radial cracks in annulii subjected to diametrical
Paper presented at 30th Congress of ISTAM, held
Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinivasan, P., "A seismic pick-up to measure low frequency
Paper presented at 30th Congress of ISTAM, held at New Delhi,
India, during December 2-5, 1985.
Srinath, L.S., Aradhya, K. S. S., and K. Ramesh, "Application of Transmitted-light
and Scattered-light Photoelastic Techniques in the Study of Two and Three
Dimensional Fracture Mechanics Problems", Fatigue and Fracture Research in India, K. N. Raju (Ed.)
Published in connection with ICF6, 1984, pp 83-111.
Ramesh, K., Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinath, L.S., "Determination of Mixed-Mode Stress
Intensity Factors from the Physical Features of Isochromatic Fringes", Proceedings of the 29th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Dec. KREC Surathkal, 1984,
pp 19-27. (Paper awarded with FIRST PRIZE)
Ramesh, K., and Aradhya, K. S. S., "An Examination of the Deviations
between Theoretical and Experimental Isochromatics in the Vicinity of a
Crack-tip under Mode-I Loading", Presented at 29th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, KREC Surathkal, Dec. 1984.
Ramesh, K., Srinath, L.S.
and Aradhya, K. S. S., "An Improved Method of Retrieving
Photoelastic Data Using Digital Image Processing for the Analysis of Fracture
Mechanics Problems",
Presented at the 29th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, KREC Surathkal, Dec. 1984.
Srinath, L.S., Aradhya, K. S. S., and K. Chandru, "Scattered-light photoelasticity in
the study of internal cracks in three-dimensional bodies", Proc., Sixth International
Conference on Fracture(ICF-6), Vignana Bhavan, New Delhi, India, December 4-10,
1984, pp. 3441-3448.
Aradhya, K. S. S., Srinivasa Murthy, N. and Srinath, L.S., "Scattered-light
photoelasticity -- A nondestructive experimental stress analysis
technique", Proc.,
National Conference on Nondestructive evaluation,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, March 4-10, 1984.
Badarinarayana, K., Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinath, L.S., "Investigation of stress fields
near the tips of arbitrarily oriented cracks in cylindrical shells
under axial and torsional loads", Proc., 29th Congress of ISTAM,
K.R.E.C., Surathkal (Karnataka), India, December 27-30, 1984, pp.
Aradhya, K. S. S., and Reddy, P. V., "An improved scattered-light polariscope and a new model
material for scattered-light photoelastic investigation", Proc., 29th Congress of ISTAM,
KREC, Surathkal (Karnataka),
Anil Kumar, Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinath, L.S., "Design and development of
an experimental set-up to investigate dynamic stress field around the
interacting surfaces in the study of wear problems", Proc., 29th Congress of ISTAM, KREC,
Surathkal (Karnataka),
Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinath, L.S., "Stress distribution around a surface crack under Mode I
loading", Proc., 28th
Congress of ISTAM, Andhra University, Waltair, India, Dec 26-29,
1983, pp. 29-34.
Aradhya, K. S. S., Chandru, K. and Srinath, L.S., "Determination of Mode-I stress-intensity factor for a
penny-shaped crack in a beam under pure bending", Proc. 27th Congress of ISTAM, Jadavpur
Univ., Calcutta, India, Dec. 27-30, 1982.
Aradhya, K. S. S., Ravi, K. K. and Srinath, L.S., "A study on the influence of elastic
constants in a line contact problem", Proc. 27th Congress of ISTAM, Jadavpur
Univ., Calcutta, India, Dec. 27-30, 1982.
Srinath, L.S., Aradhya, K. S. S., and Srinivasa
Murthy, N., "On the
influence of elastic constants on stresses near notch tips", Mechanics Res. Communication, Vol.8,
No.5, 1981, pp. 287-295.
Click the link: doi:10.1016/0093-6413(81)90033-1
for ABSTRACT (Elsevier Publication)
Aradhya, K. S. S., Srinivasa Murthy, N. and Srinath, L.S., "Determination of Mode-I
stress-intensity factors for three-dimensional photoelastic notched
specimens under live-load and stress frozen conditions", Proc. 26th Congress of Indian
Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), Coimbatore,
India, Dec. 28-31, 1981, pp. 99-108.
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