Eyes: Brown
Hight: 5'11 and a half"
Hand: Right handed
Worst habbit: Biting his nails.
Instruments: guitar, and a little piano
weight: 130 lbs
Shoe size: Between 14-15
Ice cream: Vanilla
Color: GREEN
Sports: Speed Hockey, b-ball, rock climbing and surfing.
Food: Italian---especially lasagna and spaghetti, steak...
Fast Food: Pizza
Candy: Heath Bar
Peanut Butter: Crunchy
Bands: Arosmith, Counting Crows, Lenny Kravits, Beck, Macy Gray, Ben Folds and Five.
Condiment: Salt.
TV Shows: Seinfeld reruns, South Park.
Movies: Sixteen Candles, Star Wars
Actors: Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford
High Tech Toy: His videocamera.
School Subject: Science
Ways to Relax: Go to the movies
Concert Site: Red Rocks in Colorado
Online listening Party: On March 31st 2000, MTV and Carson Daly hosted the very first on-line full album listening party for Hansons album This Time Around.
Original Song: "I actually wrote my first song when i was in 3rd grade"
Little things bout him:
He consider's himself "stupid goofy"
He can do a great imitation of kirmit the frog and butt- head.
Isaac has a very sweet, serious, yet moody personality. He breaks into a song alot
He names his guitar after girls that he likes
He's known as the serious one.
He's very romantic and Taylor says "Ike is the kind of guy who thought he was going to be married in the 3rd grade."
He loves Science and technical things with lots of buttons
Love's his brown leather jacket.
Had clear braces
Bites his nails
Has a navy blue toothbrush.
Likes soccer,rollerblading, basketball, and rollerhockey
Always wears a ring on his left middle finger which is a plain silver ring
Once, when Zac made him mad, Isaac told him that there was a monster under his bed. Zac got so scared because he thought he saw it. So Isaac felt bad and slept with him to make him feel safe
Taylor once put glue in Ike's hair so he had to shave it all off!
Isaac once fell out of a plumb tree when he was younger...
After a date Taylor went and read his diary. In the diary, Tay read that Isaac kissed the girl after the date, and she ran home crying
G/F: To my knowlege not anymore |