Tayz Bio


Tayz Bio
Zacs bio
Fan Fic
Ikes Bio


Dimple: He has one on his right cheek.

instruments: Keyboard, bongos---lead singer, harmonica, drums, learning guitar, synthesizer etc

Self Description: "The quiet one"

Special Talents: He draws cartoon characters

Coolest Places Visted: New Orleans, Los Angeles, London, New York--- "We really enjoyed being in New York. We had a whole 2 day tour--- and walked up the Statue of Liberty."

Words to Live by: "Everything changes."

Weird Fact: There is a fan group on the Internet called "The Taylor Hanson Cult"

Sibs: Clarke Isaac, 20, Zachary Walker, 16, Jessica Grace, 14, Avery Laurel, 11 Joshua Mackenzie, 7, Zoe Genevive, 3


Music: Natalie Merchant, Alanis Morissette, No Doupt, & Counting Crows, Lauryn Hill *im sorry but if she's who im thinkin of i hate her... i have no respect for her... but oh well it's who he likes...* Black Crowes, Sheryl Crow, Beck, Lenny Kravitz.

Color: Red

Sports: Rollor blading, Soccer, Basket ball, Rock climbing, Surfing, speed hockey, etc

Food: Burritos, steak, chicken, fish, cheeseburgers with the works, and mashed potatoes.

Fast food place: McDonalds

Breakfest: Cocoa Puffs

Dessert: His mom's brownies.

Candy: Red jelly beans

Drink: Bottled water, Mugs Rootbeer,and Dr. Pepper.

Style of Clothes: Comfy t's and jeans

Brand of Shoes: Addidas, and Doc Martins

Computer: Tashiba Laptop

Store: Gap...

Actor: Tom Cruise

Actress: Jennifer Anniston

Movie: Star Wars

Sports Team: Miami Dolphins

Past times: Reading and drawing

Subjects: History and English


Piercings: Tay had the top part of his left ear pierced==== "Right through the tough bit. A warning to anyone who's thinking of getting it done--- the pain never ends!"

G/f???: to my knowlege not anymore

Best friend:Ike Zac and i think he has another best friend named Ashley *its a guy*

Full Name: Jordan Taylor Hanson

D.O.B: March 14, 1983

Astro Sign: Pisces

Age: 19

Grade: 12th

Hight: 6'0

Wieght: 125lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eye: Crystal blue

Hand: Right-handed
