Zacs bio


Tayz Bio
Zacs bio
Fan Fic
Ikes Bio


Weight: 160lbs

Eyes: Brown

hair: Blonde

Shoe size: 10

Hand: Left handed...

Instruments: Drums... but like Ike and Tay he took piano lessons but he says he's not that great

Drum Brand: Pearl

Special Talent: He's a master skateboarder

Self-Description: "The romantic one and the goofy funny one."

Worst Habit: Burping--- he can do it on cue...


Color: Blue -- He thinks Pink is a "Juvenile" color

Sports: Dirt biking, paintballing, skiing, surfing, and rock climbing...

Pastime: Drawing.

School Subject: Math.

Food: Lasagna, hot dogs, pizza

Fast Food: McDonalds

Drink: Dr. Pepper

Ice Cream: Chocolate

Item of Clothing: His cargo pants

Store: Gap

Bands: Black Crows, Metallica, Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morrisette

Way to Relax: Sleep---"[I can't] sleep for twelve hours a day!"

Video Game: Golden Eye


"If Only": Zac's favorite song on This Time Around was the first single released in Australia

Other Facts

G/F: im not sure... i dont think he does, i think him and Marion broke up... i could be wrong though.

Zac has a habit of always saying "I love you man!"

Toothbrush color: Neon Green.

He likes Dr. Pepper and Green Jello!

When he first saw himself on TV, he said, "Look at the cute girl! Oh wait! That's me!"

Zac said that the skating wipeout in the "MMMBop" vid was totally for real. "Definitely all real!" he says

Thinks he'd make an ugly girl

He can talk while belching and vice versa.

He's left-handed

He likes to bang on things

He's known as "the wacky one"

He's modest

He doesn't like noisy crowds

He constantly chews gum.

He likes to draw like Tay.

He once ran off stage crying because he was to shy to perform

He collects shampoo bottles from hotels

He got them kicked off the bus in the "MMMBop" vid.

Zac is VERY hyper, funny, and outgoing. He says that he acts crazy to make up for how shy he REALLY is.

He wrote "Man from Milwaukee" when their van broke down in Albequerkee. It's about aliens

Zac's drum once rolled away and the boys had to chase after it.

When he ws younger, he fell off a trunk that he was sitting on while playing the drums at a concert.

Full name: Zachary Walker Hanson

D.O.B: October 22, 1985

Zodiac: Libra

Age: 16

Home town: Tulsa Oklahome

Hight: 5'9"
